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**Annoucement** The Church can now accept Donations, etc…

We can now accept Donations, Tithes, and Offerings. For those who have been with us for a while, you know the accountability to all of you I hold us to. I do believe that a Pastor has a fiduciary relationship to the people and to the creator. you can now see the buttons for that…

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Basilikos Nomos Institute Now offers annual subscription.

We are now offering annual subscriptions. Basilikos Nomos TV Annual is $600.00 Freedom Members Annual is $900.00 Sentry Members Annual is $1500.00 These will auto renew on the date of purchase. So please make a note in your calendar so you can remember the renewal date is. Also you will get a notice of the…

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** Announcement ** Bills of Exchange, and Its Discharge Clarification

Bills of Exchange and Its Discharge Class   Start Date: October 20th, 2024, at 3:00 PM EST   Platform: Zoom   We are excited to announce our “Bills of Exchange and Its Discharge” class, starting on October 20th, 2024, at 3:00 PM EST. The class will be held via Zoom every Sunday for approximately six…

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** Announcement ** Bills of Exchange, and Its Discharge Update

We have made an update to the terms and conditions. Paragraph 5 is to read as follows: The class will not be recorded, and participants will not have access to class materials after the session. This class will be only available through the website. And, will be available for those that can not attend the…

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** Announcement ** Bills of Exchange, and Its Discharge

Bills of Exchange, and Its Discharge Class will be Starting October 20th, 2024 at 15:00 EST. This class will be on Zoom. Emails for the attendees will go out at 14:30 EST, and you will have 30 minutes to come to class. The Class will last approximately 6 weeks. It will be every Sunday at…

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** Announcement ** Sentry Members Update

This has been discussed to see what the members would prefer. There is a change to the Sentry Member Classes. In stead of a Zoom class on the first and third Saturday of each month, of which there was two parts. We will be switching to an every Saturday format, so this way it will…

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Upcoming Trust Class

The upcoming Trust Class, exclusively available to Sentry Members, commences on August 3rd. This comprehensive class promises to be one of the most detailed you will ever attend. To participate, you must be a Sentry member. Sessions will be held on the first and third Saturdays of each month until the course is completed. All…

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Up Coming Changes To The Memberships

Announcement: Exciting Changes for Basilikos Nomos TV! We are thrilled to announce that Basilikos Nomos TV will be moving to Zoom! This change is designed to enhance your experience as a member, allowing for greater interaction and engagement. Don’t worry, we will still have some live sessions on Telegram as well. Why This Change?Interactive Q&A:…