Trust Templates Business Trust Package $200.00Add to cartLoading Done Crummey trust agreement—For benefit of child—Parents as trustors $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Crummey trust agreement—For benefit of child—Qualified subchapter-S trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Crummey trust agreement—Sprinkling trust for children during trustor’s life, and for surviving spouse and children after grantor’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust by grantee—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust by trustee of resulting trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust by trustee—Husband and wife as joint grantors and life beneficiaries $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust of real property—Title holding trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust—Division into marital deduction and residuary trusts at death of trustor—Revocable by trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust—Division into marital deduction and residuary trusts at death of trustor—Trust to hold insurance policies $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Declaration of trust—Trustor as life beneficiary $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Deed of realty creating trust—Combined with inter vivos trust agreement—Broad powers of trustee concerning rental and management of trust property for benefit of minor children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Deed of trust Master form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Deed poll creating trust—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Elective share trust—Joint trust of husband and wife—Community property $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Grantor retained annuity trust—Division into trusts for issue after term of years $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Grantor retained annuity trust—Termination in favor of existing life insurance trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Inter vivos trust agreement—General form 13 sections $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Inter vivos trust agreement—General form 19 sections $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable funded life-insurance trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable funded life-insurance trust—Beneficiaries have Crummey right of withdrawal—“Hanging” power—Contingent marital deduction power-of-appointment trust for surviving spouse $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable funded life-insurance trust—Beneficiaries have Crummey right of withdrawal—To hold first-to-die policy with survivorship rider $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable funded life-insurance trust—Beneficiaries have Crummey right of withdrawal—To hold policy on life of U.S. resident alien insured with resident alien spouse—Contingent qualified-domestic trust if insurance included in grantor’s gross estate $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable funded life-insurance trust—Beneficiaries have Crummey right of withdrawal—Trust for primary benefit of trustor’s spouse after trustor’s death—Trust for trustor’s children after death of spouse $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable funded life-insurance trust—Beneficiaries have Crummey right of withdrawal—Trust for trustor’s spouse and children after trustor’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—All income to be paid to beneficiary, with discretionary distributions of principal subject to ascertainable standard—Corporate trustee $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—For benefit of grandchildren—Division into separate trusts for each grandchild $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—For benefit of trustor’s children and grandchildren $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—For benefit of trustor’s children—Discretionary distributions of income and principal $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—For benefit of trustor’s children—Trustor and spouse as trustees $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Income accumulated for life of trustor before distribution to beneficiary $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Special needs trust—For benefit of disabled child of trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Special needs trust—For benefit of disabled trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Sprinkling trust for spouse and children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—To provide holiday pay benefits for union employees pursuant to labor law $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Trust assets consist of stock in closely held corporation—Income distributions until liquidation of stock, followed by distribution of principal $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Trustee has discretion whether to accumulate or distribute principal and income—Separate trust for each beneficiary $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust agreement—Trustee has discretion whether to accumulate or distribute principal and income—Single “sprinkle” trust for benefit of spouse and issue, with separate trusts after death of trustor—Beneficiaries hold annual Right of withdrawal of gifts to trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor—Periodic payments of income; payments of principal upon unanimous written consent of trustees in their discretion—Remainder to trustor’s children and issue of deceased children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Irrevocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor—Power of invasion in trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Joint revocable trust agreement $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Joint revocable trust agreement—Community property $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Joint revocable trust agreement—Husband and wife as trustors—Income to trustors for their lives with remainder to descendants $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Land trust agreement—Community affordable housing program $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Land trust agreement—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Land trust agreement—Mining claims held in trust for beneficiary $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Land trust agreement—Multiple property owners—Beneficiaries to manage and control property $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Land trust agreement—With transferable certificates of beneficial interest $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Life-income agreement and assignment of property to pooled income fund—Joint payments to two donors followed by payments to survivor—Funded with jointly owned property—Husband and wife $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Life-income agreement and assignment of property to pooled income fund—Payments over life of donor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Life-income agreement and assignment of property to pooled income fund—Payments over life of donor followed by payments over life of donor’s surviving spouse $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Liquidation trust agreement Master form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust with lifetime income and power of appointment in surviving spouse—Fractional share formula—Residuary trust for children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust with lifetime income and power of appointment in surviving spouse—Limited power of invasion—Pecuniary share formula—Residuary trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust with lifetime income and power of appointment in surviving spouse—Power of invasion—Pecuniary share formula—Residuary trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—Community property included in trust estate—Lifetime income and power of appointment in surviving trustor—Unified credit equivalent residuary trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—Joint trustors—QTIP trust—Unified credit equivalent residuary trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—QTIP trust—Credit shelter sprinkle trust—Generation-skipping transfer provisions $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—QTIP trust—Principal to donor’s children on spouse’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—Single trustor—Lifetime income and power of appointment in beneficiary spouse—Residuary trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—Single trustor—Principal of marital trust paid to surviving spouse’s estate $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Marital-deduction trust—With trustor’s reservation of right of amendment or revocation and special power of appointment—Division into marital trust and by-pass trust at trustor’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Memorandum of Trust-Revocable living trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Partnership insurance trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Personal residence trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Qualified domestic trust agreement $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Qualified personal residence trust—One term holder—Based on Rev. Proc. 2003-42, 2003-23 I.R.B. 993 $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Retirement trust—To provide income for professional on retirement $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable life-insurance trust—Corporate trustee—Marital and family trusts with “reduce to zero” pecuniary marital deduction clause $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement Investment control retained by trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Contingent power of revocation in trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Division into family and individual trust shares upon death of trustor, to be held and administered as separate trusts $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Investment control retained by trustor until trustor’s death or incapacity—Division of trust property into separate trusts for trustor’s child and grandchildren after trustor’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—One trustor with spouse and children—At trustor’s death, trust divides into marital trust and bypass trust $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Power of revocation held by income beneficiary or remainderman $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Separate property—Trust holding securities $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Two trustors with children—At death of first trustor, trust divides into marital trust and bypass trust—Community property $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Unmarried trustor with children—At trustor’s death, outright distribution to children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Unmarried trustor with children—At trustor’s death, outright distribution to children or issue—Continued trust for minor beneficiaries $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—Unmarried trustor with children—At trustor’s death, outright distribution to children or issue—Trustor as cotrustee $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—With corporate trustee $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—With corporate trustee—To continue in trust after trustor’s death for benefit of spouse and children—Community property $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—With corporate trustee—Trust to hold insurance policies and other assets $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—With corporate trustee—Unmarried trustor with children—To continue in trust for children after death of trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—With corporate trustee—Unmarried trustor—Termination of trust at death of trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust agreement—With investment management options $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor—For lifetime benefit of surviving spouse after trustor’s death—Annuity $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor—For lifetime benefit of surviving spouse after trustor’s death—Trusts for children on death of surviving spouse $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor—Investment control retained by trustor—Corporate trustee $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable trust for lifetime benefit of trustor—Trustor as cotrustee—Separate trust to be set up for benefit of trustor’s children on death of trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable unfunded life-insurance trust—Corporate trustee $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocable unfunded life-insurance trust—Corporate trustee—Pecuniary formula marital deduction provision $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Revocation of trust—Partial revocation as to specific property $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Separate trusts for son and daughter or issue $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Sprinkling trust—Power to sprinkle income and principal under standard—Trustee other than trustor or trustor’s spouse $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Sprinkling trust—Power to sprinkle income and principal without standard—Independent trustee $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Sprinkling trust—Powers in trustor or third person—Sprinkling of principal under standard and chargeable against beneficiary’s share—Withholding income of beneficiary under disability $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust agreement for minor qualifying for annual gift-tax exclusion—Beneficiary has option to continue trust past age 21 $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust agreement for minor qualifying for annual gift-tax exclusion—Beneficiary has option to continue trust past age 21—Income must be paid to beneficiary after age 21 $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust agreement for minor qualifying for annual gift-tax exclusion—Beneficiary has right to terminate trust at age 21 $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust agreement for minor qualifying for annual gift-tax exclusion—General form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust agreement under corporation’s nonqualified deferred compensation plan $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust for future benefit of trustor—Income payable to trustor after specified time $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust for support, maintenance, and education of children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust of residue for benefit of income beneficiary—Continuation in separate trusts for benefit of niece and nephew after income beneficiary’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust of residue for benefit of nieces and nephews $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trust of residue for benefit of spouse—Continuation of trust for benefit of children after spouse’s death $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Trusts of residue for benefit of children $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Unitrust—Specified percentage of fund to be distributed to life beneficiary—Invasion of corpus—Power of appointment $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Unitrust—Specified percentage of fund to be distributed to trustor $150.00Add to cartLoading Done Voting trust agreement Master form $150.00Add to cartLoading Done