Now, do not take this as saying that the entire process I disagree with. Because, I do not disagree with the whole process. Do I personally believe you need to do it? No! Now, if you are going to do certain things, like start a business, then you might want to consider using a trust.
I started learning trust law years ago when I discovered Yusef El, He is very smart when it comes to trust law. Most, not all, of the Guru’s out there do not know what they are talking about. Most read a little book, like WEISS’S CONCISE TRUSTEE HANDBOOK, and then start teaching like they are an expert. They take that little 79 page book and run with it like that makes their words the gospel. Well, it doesn’t.
Some of the teachings floating around are absolutely unequivocally false. For example, this belief that once you put something in the trust that automatically puts “you” in the private. Well, it doesn’t.
You have heard the saying everywhere that public and private does not mix. The minute you leave the sanctuary of your house, and go into the public you are stepping out of the private. But, you are saying right now, I know this. Well, let’s delve a little deeper.
What is a Trust, LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, Sole Prop, etc., etc.. They are legal fictions. Everything in the fiction world the government has Jurisdiction over. If you want to keep the government out of your business, then you need to know how to manage it right. If you do not, then the government will breach the veil.
Now that is the biggest problem I see, is that very few know how to manage it. They jump in to a Trust with mistaken beliefs to start with. They want to jump into the Role of Trustee, and do not even know the basics yet. The analogy I give people is this, The want to jump to Algebra II and have not mastered basic math yet. There are certain legal principles that you should take the time to learn first. This is why I concentrate on the foundational principles for my members.
Ask any attorney, that will be honest that is, what are the two main types of law that run this entire system? They will agree that it is Agency and Contracts. Why, you may ask?
Let’s break down the simplest thing. What is a Government, country, State, Trust, LLC, etc.. It is a stack of papers called a contract. It is not the dirt. It is not the land. It is a legal fiction. That legal fiction cannot operate on its own. That is where you get in to the other part. That contract can not be brought to life without an agent to fill the office(s).
It does not matter if it is a trustee, ceo, cfo, judge, congressman, governor, president, or any title you can think of. They are all agency positions. So I will end this here and let you ponder this until Part 2. God bless you all.