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Knowing the difference of when you are the creditor or debtor is important!

The man that made this video I have a lot of respect for. I would have given him credit, but was told there was no need to. Some of you will and/or may know who he is, and if so then you know. I am sharing this as an example of know when you are…

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How to perfect the Administrative Process and your Ledger

So many know about what is called the Administrative Process, but miss out on the small details. The small details are the biggest part of it. Also, the Administrative Process is part of the ledger or accounting process. This Class is planned to be starting on Sunday, January 28th at 15:00 Eastern time. The cost…

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Baptismal Certificates

To receive a baptismal certificate you must have the church/religious institution send on their business letter head stating the facts of the event. Approximately when the baptism happened with only the given name of the man/woman that was baptized. A Baptismal Certificate is a form of identification under the laws of the Creator and the…

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The Powers of Congress to Regulate Money and the Role of Contracts, and Did They Steal the Gold or Did They Redefine Gold?

So, you believe they “stole the gold”? Well, that just proves you do not understand what money is. At one time they used sea shells as money. Who agreed that sea shells had value? The parties to the contract decided that. This is why you can use anything of “value” as money. That includes a…