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**Annoucement** The Church can now accept Donations, etc…

We can now accept Donations, Tithes, and Offerings. For those who have been with us for a while, you know the accountability to all of you I hold us to. I do believe that a Pastor has a fiduciary relationship to the people and to the creator. you can now see the buttons for that…

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**Church Announcement** The links are fixed

I want to apologize. I was unaware that there were broken links.  Those links have been fixed are also listed on the right of this announcement. These are also under the Basilikos Nomos Institute tab on the menu at the top. BASILIKOS NOMOS INSTITUTE CONGREGATIONAL AFFILIATION CONSTITUTIONAL ARTICLES OF BASILIKOS NOMOS INSTITUTE Article I Constitution…


**Church Announcement** The Church now has the ability to accept Tithes, Offerings, and/or Donations.

In the Bible, tithes, offerings, and donations are integral parts of a believer’s relationship with God, reflecting faith, obedience, and gratitude. Understanding these concepts through biblical teachings helps Christians navigate their responsibilities and the blessings associated with giving. Tithes The concept of tithing is introduced early in the Bible. The term “tithe” means a tenth,…

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Baptismal Certificates

To receive a baptismal certificate you must have the church/religious institution send on their business letter head stating the facts of the event. Approximately when the baptism happened with only the given name of the man/woman that was baptized. A Baptismal Certificate is a form of identification under the laws of the Creator and the…

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Ye are gods? The same game since the garden.

There are people in the different communities out there, like the Bible and legal communities, that say ye are gods. One of the terms used is “peace to the gods”. Which stem from the phrase “Ye are gods”. Well, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are pronouncing curses on yourself…