Why I Do Not Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Jesus and Paul Did Not Teach This Part 1
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Why I Do Not Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Jesus and Paul Did Not Teach This Part 1

I am doing this article to 1. Share my beliefs and 2. to spark a civil discussion. There will be points that others will bring up to support there view, and I am all for this. I believe it is logically sound with the different views like pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trip, and amillennialism, that all can…

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The Law of Agency: Its Principles Ordained by the Creator and Its Current Application

IntroductionThe law of agency is a principle foundational to many legal, business, and social relationships today. At its core, it involves one person (the agent) being authorized to act on behalf of another (the principal), creating a relationship characterized by authority, trust, responsibility, and accountability. While this principle may seem to be a purely human…

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Government, God’s Institution: If you are going to say God’s Institution is evil, then you will have to say God is evil

The Torah: Organization of Government The concept of government as a divine institution is deeply rooted in the Torah. One of the most explicit examples of the organization of government is found in the book of Exodus: Exodus 18:13-26:  Moses, initially overwhelmed by the task of judging all the disputes among the Israelites, is advised…

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Is the Language “Bastardized”? The Misunderstood Term Babel

The Tower of Babel: Unity and Disobedience Leading to Confusion The story of the Tower of Babel, as narrated in Genesis 11, is one of the most significant and symbolically rich episodes in the Bible. It marks a pivotal moment in human history when the collective ambition of humanity collided with divine will, resulting in…

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Ye are gods? The same game since the garden.

There are people in the different communities out there, like the Bible and legal communities, that say ye are gods. One of the terms used is “peace to the gods”. Which stem from the phrase “Ye are gods”. Well, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are pronouncing curses on yourself…