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Meet The Straw Man. Let’s Correct the record.

One of the books floating around on the internet is meet your straw man. Just in the title alone it already makes an unprovable claim. It gives you the mental thought that this so-called straw man is “yours”. The term your implies some type of ownership of what this book is claiming is the straw man.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. What you have been believing is the strawman all this time is not the straw man. It is not some secret account. It is not the Social Security Card. It is not the Birth Certificate/Certificate of Live Birth. I will show you who it is, and it will surprise you.

The Birth Certificate/Certificate of Live Birth is double hearsay. In State v. Gray, 233 S.E.2d 905, 916 (N.C. 1977) it states the following;

“It would have been, however, a proper ground of objection that State’s Exhibit # 13 is not really a certified copy of any official record so as to be admissible under General Statutes 130-66; 8-34; or 8-35. The exhibit, while labeled a “Certified Certificate of Birth,” purports to be an original document which, over the signature of a “Deputy Registrar” merely summarizes certain information that is apparently recorded in the Office of Vital Statistics in Mecklenburg County on Birth Certificate No. 868. Thus State’s Exhibit # 13 is no more than the Deputy Registrar’s assertion of what she found on the recorded *288 birth certificate. As such it was double hearsay and inadmissible.”

In layman’s terms, It is prima facia evidence of what is in the record, and it is the assertion of the deputy register of what is in the record. So that means none of that is from a standpoint of first-hand knowledge. 

So it is prima facia evidence of what is in the record. Well, if you do not even know what is in the record then why would you be making claims that imply you do? That record is not even the recording of a baby. It is the recording of an event. You do not even know what the event that is being recorded is. You are making a presumption that it is a birth event. I will beg to differ with you on that. It has nothing to do with you. At least in the way you believe it does. 

The Bible says though shalt not lie. So you go everywhere and claim that it is you when it is state property. Ask Vital Records for yourself who owns that record. When I asked that question they unequivocally said that the state did. So if the state owns that record why would you proclaim that it was you, unless you are volunteering to be owned? You have that right, under your unlimited right to contract.

The Bible states though shalt not covet. And, you are coveting another’s property. If that is the state’s property then respect their property rights and start acting honorable. You want the government to respect your rights and respect their rights. The government was instituted by the creator to punish the wicked. So If you are having an issue then you need to examine your life. Also, you can not call the system evil if you say on one side of your mouth that The creator is good and just. It is his institution. Now do not get me wrong, the individual in government may be corrupt and/or evil, but the system isn’t. The Bible clearly states it is the heart of man that is evil.

So, now I have laid out a few things about the BC. And now let’s address the Social Security Card. It clearly states on the back, “This card belongs to the Social Security Administration and you must return it if we ask for it.” 

Now, let’s do some critical analysis. Would the card exist without the “name” and number? No! So the the Trustees of that account are the owners of that. But, you have been running around being a detriment to the system claiming that it is yours and running around doing whatever you wanted with it. You never asked the question, “If it is not mine how should I be using it. 

Now, I can go deeper on this but I will not at the moment. But, I will lay out a couple of words after this. If the number that looks like a serial number is actually a receipt number, then you need to understand how that applies. And, yes vital records said it was a receipt number. Now with that in mind. Let’s look at the first word. 

The word dummy is as follows; n. (1866) 1. A party who has no interest in a transaction, but participates to help achieve a legal goal. 2. A party who purchases property and holds legal title for another. Cf. straw man (3). Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019) 

Now pay close attention because Cf means to compare. Compare to what? The third definition is straw man.

The third meaning of straw man is as follows; (1896) A third party used in some transactions as a temporary transferee to allow the principal parties to accomplish something that is otherwise impermissible. Cf. dummy, n. Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019)

So, a dummy is one who purchases something and holds legal title for another. Who is that “another”? You are acting as this dummy on behalf of the property owner which is the state. You are the temporary transferee so the principal parties can accomplish what they need to accomplish. This makes you the straw man so the government can achieve its goals. The only way this will change for you is to start learning the game so you can play the game with honor. Why you may ask? Well, you have heard the phrase, “Remain in honor at all cost.” This will give you something to ponder until next time.

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