Skip to content- Accessio cedit principali. An addition to the principal thing becomes part of it.
- Accessorium non ducit, sed sequitur, suum principale. An accessory does not lead, but follows, its principal.
- Accessorium non trahit principale. The accessory does not carry the principal with it.
- Accessorium sequitur naturam rei cui accedit. An accessory follows the nature of the thing to which it is accessory.
- Accessorium sequitur principale. The accessory follows the principal.
- Accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis. An accessory follows the nature of the principal. • That is, an accessory cannot be guilty of a higher crime than his principal.
- Accessorius sequitur principalem. An accessory follows (depends on) his principal. • Where there is no principal, there can be no accessory.
- Accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis. An accessory follows the nature of the principal. • That is, an accessory cannot be guilty of a higher crime than his principal.
- Accessorius sequitur principalem. An accessory follows (depends on) his principal. • Where there is no principal, there can be no accessory.
- Actus servi, in iis quibus opera ejus communiter adhibita est, actus domini habetur. The act of a servant in those things in which he is usually employed is considered the act of his master.
- Agentes et consentientes pari poena plectentur. Acting and consenting parties will be liable to the same punishment.
- Auxilium principali sequitur. The aid follows the principal.
- Consentientes et agentes pari poena plectentur. Those consenting and those perpetrating will receive the same punishment.
- Delegare est vice sua alium reum dare creditori. To delegate is to make another person responsible in one’s place to the creditor. Dig. 46.2.11pr. • See delegate (4) in the main dictionary.
- Delegata potestas non potest delegari. A delegated authority cannot be delegated.
- Delegatus non potest delegare. A delegate (or deputy) cannot appoint another.
- Fides servanda est. Faith must be observed. • An agent must not violate the confidence reposed in him or her.
- Homagium, non per procuratores nec per literas fieri potuit, sed in propriâ personâ tam domini quam tenentis capi debit et fieri. Homage cannot be done by proxy, nor by letters, but must be accepted and rendered by lord and tenant in person.
- Idem agens et patiens esse non potest. The same person cannot be both agent and patient (i.e., the doer and person to whom the thing is done).
- In alta proditione nullus potest esse accessorius sed principalis solummodo. In high treason no one can be an accessory but only a principal.
- In civilibus ministerium excusat, in criminalibus non item. In civil matters, agency (or service) excuses, but not so in criminal matters.
- Injuria servi dominum pertingit. The servant’s wrongdoing reaches the master. • The master is liable for injury done by his servant.
- Juri non est consonum quod aliquis accessorius in curia regis convincatur antequam aliquis de facto fuerit attinctus. It is not consonant to justice that any accessory should be convicted in the king’s court before anyone has been attainted of the fact (i.e., under sentence of attainder for committing the act). • The accessory should not be convicted before the principal is proved guilty. 2 Co. Inst. 183.
- Mandatum non suscipere (cui libet) liberum est; susceptum autem consummandum aut quam primum renuntiandum est, ut aut per semet ipsum aut per alium eandem rem mandator exsequatur. It is an option (for anyone) to decline a mandate, but, when undertaken, it must be fulfilled or renounced as soon as possible, so that the principal may take up the same matter in his own behalf or by another agent. Just. Inst. 3.26.
- Nullus dicitur accessorius post feloniam sed ille qui novit principalem feloniam fecisse, et illum receptavit et comfortavit. No one is called an accessory after the fact but that person who knew the principal to have committed a felony, and received and comforted him.
- Nullus dicitur felo principalis nisi actor aut qui praesens est, abettans aut auxilians actorem ad feloniam faciendam. No one is called a principal felon except the party actually committing the felony, or the party who was present aiding and abetting the perpetrator in its commission.
- Omne accessorium sequitur suum principale. Every accessory follows its principal.
- Omne accessum sequitur suum principale. Every increase follows its principal.
- Omne principale trahit ad se accessorium. Every principal thing draws to itself the accessory.
- Quicquid acquiritur servo, acquiritur domino. Whatever is acquired by the servant is acquired for the master.
- Qui facit per alium facit per se. A person who acts through another acts himself. • The acts of an agent are considered the acts of the principal.
- Quod non valet in principali, in accessorio seu consequenti non valebit; et quod non valet in magis propinquo, non valebit in magis remoto. What is not valid in the principal will not be valid in the accessory or consequence; and what has no effect in the nearer instance will be of no effect in the more remote.
- Quod per me non possum, nec per alium. What I cannot do in person, I also cannot do through the agency of another.
- Quum principalis causa non consistit, ne ea quidem quae sequuntur locum habent. When the principal cause does not stand, neither do the accessories (or consequences) obtain.
- Res accessoria sequitur rem principalem. An accessory follows its principal.
- Respondeat superior. Let the principal answer.
- Sublato principali, tollitur adjunctum. When the principal has been taken away, the adjunct is also taken away.
- Ubi non est principalis, non potest esse accessorius. Where there is no principal, there can be no accessory.