Skip to content- Causa causae est causa causati. The cause of a cause is the cause of the effect.
- Causa causantis causa est causati. The cause of the thing causing is the cause of the effect.
- Causa et origo est materia negotii. The cause and origin of a matter are the substance of it. • “The law regards the original act”: as in the case of a man who attempts suicide in madness, but dies after regaining sanity; such is not suicide. 1 Coke 99.
- Causa proxima non remota spectatur. The immediate and not the remote cause is considered.
- Causa vaga et incerta non est causa rationabilis. A vague and uncertain cause is not a reasonable cause.
- Cessante causa, cessat effectus. The cause ceasing, the effect ceases.
- Effectus sequitur causam. The effect follows the cause.
- Eventus est qui ex causa sequitur; et dicitur eventus quia ex causis evenit. An event is what follows from a cause; and is called an event, because it results from causes.
- Eventus varios res nova semper habet. A novel matter always produces various results.
- Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas. Happy is he who could apprehend the causes of things.
- In jure non remota causa, sed proxima, spectatur. In law, the proximate, and not the remote, cause is regarded.
- Is damnum dat qui jubet dare; ejus vero nulla culpa est cui parere necesse est. He causes a loss who gives orders to cause it; but no blame attaches to him who is under the necessity of obeying. Dig. 50.17.169.
- Lex spectat ad proximam non ad remotam causam. The law looks to the proximate not to the remote cause.
- Quid turpi ex causa promissum est non valet. A promise arising from a wrongful cause is invalid.
- Sublata causa tollitur effectus. Remove the cause and the effect ceases.
- Ubi lex aliquem cogit ostendere causam, necesse est quod causa sit justa et legitima. Where the law compels someone to show cause, it is necessary that the cause be just and legal.