Skip to content- A l’impossible nul n’est tenu. No one is bound to do what is impossible.
- Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est. A dubious expression is construed against the party using it.
- Ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est. An ambiguous agreement is construed against the seller.
- Bello pacta cedunt reipublicae. In war contracts give way to the state.
- Benignior sententia in verbis generalibus seu dubiis est preferenda. The more favorable construction is to be preferred in general or doubtful expressions.
- Bona fides non patitur ut bis idem exigatur. Good faith does not allow payment to be exacted twice for the same thing.
- Bona fides quae in contractibus exigitur aequitatem summam desiderat. Good faith that is required in contracts calls for the highest level of fair dealing. Dig. 16.3.31pr.
- Certissimum est alterius contractu neminem obligari. It is most certain that nobody can be obligated by somebody else’s contract. CJ 4.12.3.
- Clausulae inconsuetae semper inducunt suspicionem. Unusual clauses always arouse suspicion.
- Clausula generalis de residuo non ea complectitur quae non ejusdem sint generis cum iis quae specialim dicta fuerant. A general clause of remainder does not embrace those things that are not of the same kind as those that had been specially mentioned.
- Clausula generalis non refertur ad expressa. A general clause does not refer to things expressly mentioned.
- Clausula quae abrogationem excludit ab initio non valet. A clause that precludes abrogation is invalid from the beginning.
- Clausula vel dispositio inutilis per praesumptionem remotam vel causam ex post facto non fulcitur. A useless clause or disposition is not supported by a remote presumption or by a cause arising afterward. • A useless clause or disposition is one that expresses no more than the law by intendment would have supplied; it is not supported by a remote presumption or foreign intendment of some purpose in regard to which it might be material, or by a cause arising afterward that may induce an operation of those idle words.
- Commodissimum est in ambiguis id accipi quo res de qua agitur magis valeat quam pereat (vel in tuto sit). In ambiguous cases it is most fitting to accept what strengthens the asset at issue (or preserves it) rather than ruins it. Cf. Dig. 34.5.12 and 45.1.80.
- Communiter unum officium est excusatio alterius. The performance of one duty is commonly the excuse for the nonperformance of another.
- Conditiones praecedentes ad normam legis severe exigendae; aliter de subsequentibus ubi aequitati licet damnum rei infectae pensari. Conditions precedent must be rigorously exacted according to the rules of law; but it is otherwise concerning conditions subsequent, where equity is allowed to make up for the loss incurred by the failure.
- Consensus facit legem. Consent makes law. • A contract constitutes law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.
- Contractus ad mentem partium verbis notatam intelligendus. A contract is to be understood according to the intention of the parties as expressed in words.
- Contractus est quasi actus contra actum. A contract is, as it were, act against act.
- Contractus est ultro citroque obligatio. A contract is an obligation from one side and the other. Cf. Dig. 50.16.19.
- Contractus ex turpi causa vel contra bonos mores nullus est. A contract founded on a wrongful consideration or against good morals is null.
- Contractus infantis invalidus, si in damnum sui spectet. The contract of a minor is invalid if it has his or her loss in view.
- Contractus legem ex conventione accipiunt. Contracts receive legal validity from the agreement of the parties.
- Contractus non utique in eo loco intelligitur quo negotium gestum sit, sed quo solvenda est pecunia. A contract is considered to have its place not where the deal is made but where the money is to be paid. Dig. 42.5.3.
- Contraxisse unusquisque in eo loco intelligitur, in quo ut solveret se obligavit. Everyone is understood to have contracted in that place where he has bound himself to pay.
- Conventio omnis intelligitur clausula rebus sic stantibus. Every contract is to be understood as being based on the assumption of things remaining as they were (that is, at the time of its conclusion).
- Cum solvendi tempus obligationi additur, nisi eo praeterito, peti non potest. When a time for payment is added to an obligation, it (the payment) cannot be claimed unless that time has passed. Dig. 50.17.186. • See sine die in the main dictionary.
- Debitorum pactionibus creditorum petitio nec tolli nec minui potest. The creditors’ suit can be neither quashed nor diminished by the contracts of their debtors.
- Debitum et contractus sunt nullius loci. Debt and contract belong to no particular place.
- Donari videtur quod nullo jure cogente, conceditur. That is considered to be given which is granted without the obligation of any law.
- Ea quae commendandi causa in venditionibus dicuntur, si palam appareant venditorem non obligant. Those things that, by way of commendation, are stated at sales, if they are openly apparent, do not bind the seller.
- Eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio quae nascitur ex contractu, vel quasi, quibus contrahitur. An obligation that arises from a contract or quasi contract is dissolved in the same ways in which it is contracted.
- En eschange il covient que les estates soient egales. In an exchange it is desirable that the estates be equal.
- Eodem ligamine quo ligatum est dissolvitur. An obligation is dissolved by the same bond by which it is contracted.
- Ex maleficio non oritur contractus. A contract does not arise out of an illegal act.
- Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio. No action arises on a contract without a consideration.
- Ex pacto illicito non oritur actio. From an illicit contract no action arises.
- Extinguitur obligatio quae rite constiterit si in eum casum inciderit a quo incipere non potuit. An obligation that has been created in due form is extinguished if it falls into that state from which it could not have arisen.
- Ex turpi contractu non oritur actio. No action arises from a wrongful contract.
- Fere quibuscunque modis obligamur, isdem in contrarium actis liberamur. In nearly the same way as we make obligations, we are freed from them, reversing the transaction. Dig. 50.17.153 (that is, by mind and body).
- Furiosus nullum negotium contrahere (gerere) potest (quia non intelligit quod agit). An insane person cannot make a contract (because he does not understand what he is doing).
- Furiosus stipulari non potest nec aliquod negotium agere, qui non intelligit quid agit. An insane person who knows not what he does cannot make a bargain or transact any business.
- Furor contrahi matrimonium non sinit, quia consensu opus est. Insanity prevents marriage from being contracted, because consent is needed.
- Generaliter novimus turpes stipulationes nullius esse momenti. As a general rule, we acknowledge that immoral agreements have no force. Dig. 45.1.26.
- Impossibilis condicio habetur cui natura impedimento est, quominus existat. A condition is held to be impossible if nature stands as an obstacle to its realization. Just. Inst. 3.19.11.
- Impossibilium nulla obligatio est. There is no obligation to perform impossible things.
- Impotentia excusat legem. Powerlessness excuses (or dispenses with) law. • The impossibility of doing what is required by the law excuses nonperformance or nonenforcement. 2 Bl. Com. 127.
- In bonae fidei contractibus ex mora usurae debentur. In good-faith contracts, interest payments are owed from delay. Dig.
- In commodato haec pactio, ne dolus praestetur, rata non est. In a loan for use (commodatum), a pact excluding liability for fraud is invalid. • Often extended to contracts for loans in general. Dig. 13.6.17.
- Incommodum non solvit argumentum. An inconvenience does not solve (or demolish) an argument.
- In contractibus, benigna; in testamentis, benignior; in restitutionibus, benignissima interpretatio facienda est. In contracts, the interpretation or construction should be liberal; in wills, more liberal; in restitutions, most liberal.
- In contractibus, rei veritas potius quam scriptura perspici debet. In contracts, the truth of the matter ought to be regarded rather than the writing.
- In contractibus tacite insunt quae sunt moris et consuetudinis. In contracts, matters of custom and usage are tacitly implied. • A contract is understood to contain the customary clauses, although they are not expressed.
- In contrahenda venditione, ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est. In the contract of sale, an ambiguous agreement is to be interpreted against the seller.
- In conventionibus, contrahentium voluntas potius quam verba spectari placuit. In agreements, the intention of the contracting parties should be regarded more than their words.
- Infantes de damno praestare tenentur, de poena non item. Infants are obliged to make good regarding loss, but not regarding punishment.
- In omnibus contractibus, sive nominatis sive innominatis, permutatio continetur. In all contracts, whether express or implied, there must be something given in exchange. 2 Bl. Com. 444.
- In omnibus obligationibus, in quibus dies non ponitur, praesenti die debetur. In all obligations, when no date is fixed (for performance), the thing is due the same day.
- In omnibus rebus quae dominium transferunt, concurrat oportet affectus ex utraque parte contrahentium. In all cases that transfer ownership, the desire of both contracting parties must concur. Dig. 44.7.55.
- In personam actio est, qua cum eo agimus qui obligatus est nobis ad faciendum aliquid vel dandum. An action against a person (in personam) is one in which we sue someone who is under obligation to us to do or to give something. Dig. 44.7.25.
- Interpretatio est contra eum facienda qui clarius loqui debuisset. Interpretation should work against the person who ought to have spoken more clearly. Cf. Dig. 34.5.24 and 35.4.26.
- In toto et pars continetur. In the whole the part also is included.
- In verbis non verba sed res et ratio quaerenda est. In wording, it is not the words but the substance and the meaning that is to be sought.
- Invito beneficium non datur. No benefit is given to one unwilling. • No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent. Dig. 50.17.69.
- Le contrat fait la loi. The contract makes the law.
- Legem enim contractus dat. The contract gives the law.
- L’obligation sans cause, ou sur une fausse cause, ou sur cause illicite, ne peut avoir aucun effet. An obligation without consideration, or on a false consideration, or on unlawful consideration, cannot have any effect.
- Locatio sine mercede certa contrahi non potest. A lease cannot be contracted without a settled price. Dig. 24.1.52pr.
- Locus contractus regit actum. The place of the contract governs the act.
- Locus pro solutione reditus aut pecuniae secundum conditionem dimissionis aut obligationis est stricte observandus. The place for the payment of rent or money is to be strictly observed according to the condition of the lease or obligation.
- Longa patientia trahitur ad consensum. Long sufferance is construed as consent.
- Magis de bono quam de malo lex intendit. The law favors a good rather than a bad construction. • When an agreement’s words are susceptible of both a favorable and unfavorable meaning, the former is adopted. Thus, a bond conditioned to assign all offices will be construed to apply to assignable offices.
- Matrimonium inter invitos non contrahitur. Matrimony is not contracted between unwilling people. Dig. 23.2.22.
- Modus et conventio vincunt legem. Customary form and the agreement of the parties overcome the law. • One of the first principles relative to the law of contract. 2 Coke 73.
- Natura fide jussionis sit strictissimi juris et non durat vel extendatur de re ad rem, de persona ad personam, de tempore ad tempus. The nature of the contract of suretyship is strictissimi juris, and does not endure or should not be extended from thing to thing, from person to person, or from time to time.
- Nec beneficium pertinet ad eum qui non debet gerere officium. No benefit belongs to him who was not obliged to perform a certain duty.
- Nec enim cum sacco adire debet. One is not obliged to carry a moneybag wherever one goes (when under an obligation to pay immediately). Dig. 46.3.105.
- Nemo ex consilio obligatur. No one is bound for the advice he gives.
- Nemo potest ad impossibile obligari. Nobody can be obligated to something impossible.
- Nihil tam naturale est quam eo genere quidque dissolvere quo colligatum est. Nothing is so natural as that an obligation should be dissolved by the same principle by which it was contracted.
- Nihil tam naturale est quam eo genere quidque dissolvere quo colligatum est; ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur. Nothing is so natural as to dissolve anything in the way in which it was bound together; therefore the obligation of words is taken away by words; the obligation of mere consent is dissolved by the contrary consent.
- Nisi novissimus totus dies compleatur, non finit obligatio. Unless the whole of the last day is completed, the obligation does not end. Dig. 44.7.6.
- Non adimplenti non est adimplendum. It is not necessary to fulfill one’s obligation to a person who fails to fulfill his own.
- Non videtur defectus condicione is qui parere condicioni non potest. One who cannot obey a condition is not regarded as failing to meet it. Dig.
- Novatio est prioris debiti in aliam obligationem, vel civilem, vel naturalem, transfusio atque translatio. Renewal (novatio) is the transformation and transference of an earlier debt into another obligation, either civil or natural. Dig. 46.2.1pr.; cf. Inst. 3.29.3. • See novation in the main dictionary.
- Novatio non potest contingere ea stipulatione quae non committitur. A novation cannot be made with a contract (or stipulatio) that has not taken effect. Dig. 46.2.24.
- Novatio non praesumitur. A novation is not presumed.
- Novissima voluntas servatur. The latest intention is upheld. Dig.
- Nuda pactio obligationem non parit. A naked agreement (i.e., without consideration) does not create an obligation. Dig.
- Nuda ratio et nuda pactio non ligant aliquem debitorem. Bare reason and naked agreement do not bind any debtor.
- Nudum pactum est ubi nulla subest causa praeter conventionem; sed ubi subest causa, fit obligatio, et parit actionem. Naked agreement (nudum pactum) is where there is no consideration besides the agreement; but when there is a consideration, an obligation is created and it gives a right of action.
- Nudum pactum ex quo non oritur actio. Naked agreement (nudum pactum) is that from which no action arises.
- Nudum pactum inefficax ad agendum. A naked agreement is insufficient for an action.
- Obligatio est iuris vinculum quo necessitate adstringimur alicuius rei solvendae secundum iura nostrae civitatis. Obligation is a legal tie that binds us of necessity to carry out some matter according to the laws of our state. Just. Inst. 3.13.
- Obligationum substantia non in eo consistit ut aliquod corpus nostrum aut servitutem nostram faciat, sed ut alium nobis adstringat ad dandum aliquid, vel faciendum, vel praestandum. The substance of obligations rests not in this, that it makes some material ours or some servitude ours, but that it binds another to give us something, or do something, or furnish something. Dig. 44.7.3pr.
- Omnes res transire in novationem possunt. All matters can be recast in novation (however the original contract was made). Dig. 46.2.2.
- Omne verbum de ore fideli cadit in debitum. Every word sincerely spoken constitutes an obligation.
- Omnia quae jure contrahuntur contrario jure pereunt. All obligations contracted under a law are destroyed by a law to the contrary.
- Omnis contractus turpitudinis legibus invisus. Every contract for an immoral end is odious to the laws.
- Omnis ratihabitio retrotrahitur et mandato priori aequiparatur. Every subsequent ratification has a retrospective effect and is equivalent to a prior command.
- Ordo scripturae non impedit causam iuris ac voluntatis. The sequence of writing (and subsequent events) does not get in the way of the rights and the (original) intention. Dig. 31.77.12.
- Pacta conventa quae neque contra leges neque dolo malo inita sunt, omni modo observanda sunt. Contracts that have been entered neither illegally nor with fraud must in all respects be observed.
- Pacta dant legem contractui. Agreements give law to the contract.
- Pacta non obligant nisi gentes inter quas inita. Agreements bind only the peoples between whom they are made.
- Pacta privata juri publico derogare non possunt. Private contracts cannot restrict (or take away from) public law.
- Pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est. It is a matter of unquestionable law that contracts against the laws and statutes, or against moral standards, have no force.
- Pacta quae turpem causam continent non sunt observanda. Contracts founded on an immoral consideration are not to be observed.
- Pacta reciproca vel utrosque ligant vel neutrum. Mutual bargains bind both parties or neither.
- Pacta sunt servanda. Treaties (agreements) are to be observed.
- Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt. Treaties (agreements) neither harm nor benefit third parties.
- Pactis privatorum juri publico non derogatur. There is no derogation from public law by private contracts.
- Pacto aliquid licitum est quod sine pacto non admittitur. By agreement (or contract) something is permitted that, without agreement, is not allowed. • Coke continues, “but not in violation of public law.” Co. Litt. 166.
- Pactum de assedatione facienda et ipsa assedatione aequiparantur, praecipue si possessio sequatur. An agreement to grant a lease is equivalent to the lease itself, especially if possession follows.
- Pactum est duorum consensus atque conventio. An agreement (pactum) is a meeting of minds and action by two (or more) persons. Cf. Dig. 2.14.
- Permutatio ex re tradita initium obligationi praebet. Barter provides the beginning of obligation once something is delivered. Dig.
- Plerumque ea quae praefationibus convenisse concipiuntur, etiam in stipulationibus repetita creduntur. Generally, those provisions that are considered settled in prefatory agreements are believed to be repeated in the contract (or stipulatio). Dig.
- Praescriptio et executio non pertinent ad valorem contractus, sed ad tempus et modum actionis instituendae. Prescription and execution do not affect the validity of the contract, but affect the time and manner of bringing an action.
- Privatis pactionibus non dubium est non laedi jus caeterorum. There is no doubt that the rights of others (not party to the agreement) cannot be prejudiced by private agreements.
- Privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat. An agreement of private persons does not derogate from public law.
- Propositio indefinita aequipollet universali. An indefinite proposition is equal to a general one.
- Pupillus omnia, tutore auctore, agere potest. A ward can transact everything with his guardian’s authority. Dig. 50.17.5.
- Quae dubitationis tollendae causa contractibus inseruntur jus commune non laedunt. What is inserted in contracts for the sake of removing doubt does not offend the common law.
- Qui cum alio contrahit, vel est vel debet esse non ignarus conditionis ejus. A party who contracts with another either is or ought to be cognizant of that party’s condition. • Otherwise, he is not excusable. Dig. 50.17.19.
- Quicunque aliquid statuerit parte inaudita altera, aequum licet statuerit, haud aequus fuerit. Whoever has decided anything without hearing the other side, (even) suppose the decision prove just, has hardly been just. Seneca, Medea 199-200.
- Qui habet jurisdictionem absolvendi, habet jurisdictionem ligandi. One who has jurisdiction for dissolving (an obligation) has jurisdiction to bind.
- Qui potest facere ut possit condicioni parere iam posse videtur. One who can act so as to be able to obey a condition is regarded as already able to obey it. Dig. 50.17.174pr.
- Quod a quoque poenae nomine exactum est id eidem restituere nemo cogitur. What has been exacted from someone as a penalty no one is obliged to restore to him.
- Quod ipsis, qui contraxerunt, obstat, et successoribus eorum obstabit. That which bars those who have contracted will bar their successors also.
- Quod minus est in obligationem videtur deductum. That which is the lesser is held to be imported into the contract.
- Quod nullius esse potest, id ut alicujus fieret nulla obligatio valet efficere. What can belong to no one no agreement (or obligation) can make property of anyone. Dig. 50.17.182.
- Quotiens pactum a iure communi remotum est, servari hoc non oportet. Whenever a pact has departed from common law, it should not be kept. Dig.
- Receptum est quotiens per eum cuius interest condicionem non impleri, fiat quominus impleatur, perinde haberi ac si impleta condicio fuisset. Whenever a condition is not fulfilled by one who gains from that breach, it is established (in civil law) that the situation is the same as if the condition were fulfilled. Dig. 50.17.161.
- Regulariter non valet pactum de re mea non alienanda. As a rule, a contract not to alienate my property is not binding.
- Res inter alios acta aliis non nocet. A thing done between two parties does not damage other parties; a matter transacted between parties (e.g., to a contract) does not prejudice nonparties.
- Re, verbis, scripto, consensu, traditione, junctura vestes sumere pacta solent. Compacts usually take their clothing from the thing itself, from words, from writings, from consent, from delivery, from the joining together.
- Scientia utrimque par pares contrahentes facit. Equal knowledge on both sides makes the contracting parties equal.
- Scriptae obligationes scriptis tolluntur, et nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur. Written obligations are undone by writing, and the obligation of mere consent (or naked agreement) is dissolved by a bare consent to the contrary.
- Semper in dubiis id agendum est, ut quam tutissimo loco res sit bona fide contracta, nisi quum aperte contra leges scriptum est. Always in doubtful cases that is to be done by which a bona fide contract may be in the safest condition, except when it has been drawn up clearly contrary to law.
- Semper in stipulationibus et in caeteris contractibus id sequimur quod actum est. In stipulations and other contracts, we always follow what was done (or agreed to). Dig. 50.17.34.
- Servitus in faciendo consistere nequit. A servitude cannot oblige one to act. • For example, an easement does not oblige the property owner to maintain the road across his property.
- Si aes pro auro veneat non valet. If bronze is sold for gold (the contract) is invalid.
- Si donationis causa venditionis simulatus contractus est, emptio in sui deficit substantia. If there is a pretended contract for sale by way of a gift, the purchase is lacking in substance. CJ 4.38.3.
- Si flagitii faciendi vel facti causa concepta sit, stipulatio ab initio non valet. If a contract (stipulatio) is made for the sake of doing a shameful act or because of one that has been done, it is invalid from the outset. Dig. 45.1.123.
- Simplex commendatio non obligat. A simple recommendation does not bind.
- Solutionis verbum pertinet ad omnem liberationem quoquo modo factam. The word “performance” refers to any resolution, however it is done. Dig. 46.3.54.
- Solutionis vicem delegatio continet. Delegation takes the place of payment. Dig.
- Solvendo quisque pro alio, licet invito et ignorante, liberat eum. Anybody who pays on behalf of somebody else frees that person of the obligation, even without the person’s knowledge or consent. Dig. 3.5.38.
- Sponsalia inter minores contracta ante septem annos nulla sunt. Betrothals contracted between parties under seven years of age are void.
- Stipulatio certa est cum ex ipsa pronuntiatione apparet quid, quale, quantumve sit in stipulatione; incerta, ubi id non apparet. A contract is certain (or clear) when it is evident from the wording itself what thing, of what sort, and how much is (specified) in the contract; when that is not evident, it is uncertain. Dig. 45.1.74.
- Stipulationes impossibili condicione adplicatae nullius momenti sunt. Stipulations that depend on an impossible condition are of no effect. Dig. 44.7.31 (cf. Dig. • See stipulatio in the main dictionary.
- Stipulationibus promissoris gratia tempus adiicitur. In stipulations (or contracts), a date is added for the sake of the debtor. Dig. 50.17.17.
- Stipulatio non valet in rei promittendi arbitrium collata condicione. A stipulation is not valid when a condition is left to the judgment of the promisor. Dig. 45.1.17.
- Stipulatio quae verbis fit nisi habeat consensum nulla est. A stipulation that is made by words is null without a meeting of the minds. Dig.
- Tenor est pactio contra communem feudi naturam ac rationem in contractu interposita. The tenure (of an agreement) is a compact contrary to the common nature and reason of the fee, put into a contract.
- Tollitur omnis obligatio solutione eius quod debetur. Every obligation is removed by the payment of what is owed. Just. Inst. 3.29 pr.
- Ubi duo rei facti sunt, potest vel ab uno eorum solidum peti. When two people have become liable (as copromisors), the whole sum can be sought from either of them. Dig.
- Uniuscujusque contractus initium spectandum est et causa. The beginning and cause of each and every contract must be considered.
- Unumquodque eodem modo dissolvitur quo colligatur. Any obligation is discharged in the same manner as it is constituted.
- Unumquodque ligamen dissolvitur eodem ligamine qui et ligatur. Every obligation is dissolved in the same manner in which it is contracted.
- Unusquisque debet esse gnarus conditionis ejus cum quo contrahit. Everyone ought to be cognizant of the condition of the person with whom he makes contract.
- Utilitas publica praeferenda est privatorum contractibus. Public benefit takes precedence over the agreements of private persons. CJ 12.62.3.
- Ut res magis valeat quam pereat. (Interpret the law, contract, etc.) so that the transaction is upheld rather than lost (or so that a matter may avail rather than perish). • The phrase can be literally translated as “that the matter may have effect rather than fail.”
- Verba nihil operari melius est quam absurde. It is better that words should have no effect than an absurd effect