
  • Fama, fides, et oculus non patiuntur ludum. Reputation, plighted faith, and eyesight do not endure deceit.
  • Fama, quae suspicionem inducit, oriri debet apud bonos et graves, non quidem malevolos et maledicos, sed providas et fide dignas personas, non semel sed saepius, quia clamor minuit et defamatio manifestat. Report, which induces suspicion, ought to arise from good and grave men; not, indeed, from malevolent and malicious men, but from cautious and credible persons; not only once, but frequently, for clamor diminishes, and defamation manifests.
  • Inveniens libellum famosum et non corrumpens punitur. A person who discovers a libel and does not destroy it is punished.
  • Qui extra causam divagatur calumniando, punitur. Whoever strays from the case indulging in slander is punished (for it).
  • Quo libelli in celeberrimis locis proponuntur, huic ne perire quidem tacite conceditur. When charges against a man are published in the most crowded places, this person is not allowed even to perish quietly. • That is, the criminal arraigned in public cannot be condemned in private. Cicero, Pro Quinctio 50.