Skip to content- Accusator post rationabile tempus non est audiendus, nisi se bene de omissione excusaverit. An accuser ought not to be heard after (the expiration of) a reasonable time, unless he can account satisfactorily for his delay.
- Boni judicis est judicium sine dilatione mandare executioni. It is the role of a good judge to render judgment for execution without delay.
- Casus fortuitus a mora excusat. A chance mishap excuses one from a charge of delay.
- Circuitus est evitandus. Circuity (roundabout proceeding) is to be avoided.
- Circuitus est evitandus; et boni judicis est lites dirimere, ne lis ex lite oriatur. Circuity is to be avoided; and it is the role of a good judge to determine (or dispose of) litigations so that one lawsuit may not arise from another.
- De morte hominis nulla est cunctatio longa. When the death of a human being is concerned, no delay is long.
- Dilationes in lege sunt odiosae. Delays in law are hateful.
- In bonae fidei contractibus ex mora usurae debentur. In good-faith contracts, interest payments are owed from delay. Dig.
- In omnibus causis pro facto accipitur id in quo per alium mora fit quominus fiat. In all cases, an act is considered (as though) done when somebody else responsible for a delay prevents the act. Dig. 50.17.39.
- Justitia debet esse libera, quia nihil iniquius venali justitia; plena, quia justitia non debet claudicare; et celer, quia dilatio est quaedam negatio. Justice ought not to be bought, for nothing is more hateful than venal justice; full, for justice ought not to be defective; and quick, for delay is a certain denial.
- Justitia non est neganda, non differenda. Justice is not to be denied or delayed.
- Lex dilationes semper exhorret. The law always abhors delays.
- Lex reprobat moram. The law disapproves of delay.
- Minus solvit qui tardius solvit; nam et tempore minus solvitur. A person pays too little who pays too late; for, from the delay, the payment is less.
- Mora debitoris non debet esse creditori damnosa. Delay by a debtor ought not to be injurious to a creditor.
- Mora reprobatur in lege. Delay is disapproved of in law.
- Non est magnum damnum in mora modici temporis. There is no great loss in a fairly short delay. Dig. 5.1.21 (referring to the period after a legal judgment).
- Non omne quod differendi causa optima ratione fit morae adnumerandum est. Not everything that is postponed for good reason is counted as delay. Dig. 22.1.21.
- Nulla intelligitur mora ibi fieri ubi nulla petitio est. No delay is considered to arise where no demand has been made. Dig. 50.17.88.
- Nulla unquam de morte hominis cunctatio longa est. No delay is ever (too) long when a man’s life is at stake. Juvenal, Satire 6.221.
- Nulli vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut differemus rectum vel justitiam. We shall sell to no one, deny to no one, or delay to no one, equity or justice. • This language appeared in Magna Carta.
- Placitorum alia dilatoria, alia peremptoria. Some pleas admit of delay; others are peremptory.
- Qui sine dolo malo ad judicium provocat, non videtur moram facere. One who demands judgment without fraud is not regarded as guilty of delay. Dig. 50.17.63.
- Quoties aequitatem desiderii naturalis ratio aut dubitatio juris moratur, justis decretis res temperanda est. Whenever natural reason or doubt about the law delays an equitable request, the matter must be resolved by just decrees. Dig.
- Si post moram res interierit, aestimatio eius praestatur. If something goes to ruin after a delay, the agreed value is to be paid. Dig. 30.39.1 (referring to “brokerage”).