
  • Aequior est dispositio legis quam hominis. The law’s disposition is more impartial than man’s.
  • Aequitas agit in personam. Equity acts on the person.
  • Aequitas casibus medetur. Equity relieves against accidents.
  • Aequitas curiae cancellariae, quasi filia conscientiae, obtemperat secundum regulas curiae. The equity of the court of chancery, as if it were the daughter of conscience, conforms to the rules of court.
  • Aequitas defectus supplet. Equity supplements defects.
  • Aequitas erroribus medetur. Equity rectifies errors.
  • Aequitas est aequalitas. Equity is equality.
  • Aequitas est correctio legis generaliter latae qua parte deficit. Equity is the correction of some part of the law where by reason of its generality it is defective.
  • Aequitas est perfecta quaedam ratio quae jus scriptum interpretatur et emendat; nulla scriptura comprehensa, sed sola ratione consistens. Equity is a sort of perfect reason that interprets and amends written law; comprehended in no written text, but consisting of reason alone.
  • Aequitas est quasi equalitas. Equity is as it were equality.
  • Aequitas est virtus voluntatis, correctrix ejus in quo lex propter universalitatem deficit. Equity is a virtue of the will, the corrector of that wherein the law, by reason of its universality, is deficient.
  • Aequitas ex lege generaliter lata aliquid excipit. Equity makes exception to a law framed generally.
  • Aequitas ignorantiae opitulatur, oscitantiae non item. Equity assists ignorance but not complacency (or carelessness).
  • Aequitas in eum qui vult summo jure agere summum jus intendit. Equity directs the rigor of the law against him who wishes to act according to the rigor of the law.
  • Aequitas in paribus causis paria jura desiderat. Equity in like cases requires like laws.
  • Aequitas jurisdictiones non confundit. Equity does not confuse jurisdictions.
  • Aequitas naturam rei non mutat. Equity does not change the nature of a thing.
  • Aequitas neminem juvat cum injuria alterius. Equity aids no man to the injury of another.
  • Aequitas non facit jus, sed juri auxiliatur. Equity does not create a right, but aids the right.
  • Aequitas non medetur defectu eorum quae jure positivo requisita sunt. Equity does not make up for a deficiency of those things that are required by positive law.
  • Aequitas non sinit eum qui jus verum tenuit extremum jus persequi. Equity does not allow one who has obtained a true right to prosecute it to the extremity.
  • Aequitas non supplet ea quae in manu orantis esse possunt. Equity does not provide for those things that may be in the hand of an applicant.
  • Aequitas non vaga atque incerta, sed terminos habet atque limites praefinitos. Equity is not vague and uncertain, but has boundaries and prescribed limits.
  • Aequitas nunquam contravenit leges. Equity never contravenes the laws.
  • Aequitas nunquam liti ancillatur ubi remedium potest dare. Equity never fosters a quarrel, where she can give a remedy.
  • Aequitas rei oppignoratae redemptionibus favet. Equity favors the redemption of a thing given in pawn.
  • Aequitas rem ipsam intuetur de forma et circumstantiis minus anxia. Equity focuses on the thing itself and is less concerned with form and circumstance.
  • Aequitas sequitur legem. Equity follows the law.
  • Aequitas supervacua odit. Equity abhors superfluous things.
  • Aequitas uxoribus, liberis, creditoribus maxime favet. Equity most favors wives, children, and creditors.
  • Aequitas vult omnibus modis, ad veritatem pervenire. Equity wishes by every possible means to attain the truth.
  • Aequitas vult spoliatos, vel deceptos, vel lapsos ante omnia restitui. Equity wishes the plundered, the deceived, and the ruined, above all, to have restitution.
  • Aequum et bonum est lex legum. What is equitable and good is the law of laws.
  • Bonus judex secundum aequum et bonum judicat, et aequitatem stricto juri praefert. A good judge decides according to fairness and the good and prefers equity to strict law.
  • Commodum ex injuria sua non habere debet. (The wrongdoer) should not derive any benefit from his own wrong.
  • Conditiones praecedentes ad normam legis severe exigendae; aliter de subsequentibus ubi aequitati licet damnum rei infectae pensari. Conditions precedent must be rigorously exacted according to the rules of law; but it is otherwise concerning conditions subsequent, where equity is allowed to make up for the loss incurred by the failure.
  • Culpae poena par esto. Let the punishment be equal to the crime.
  • Culpa vel poena ex equitate non intenditur. Blame or punishment does not proceed from equity.
  • Cum par delictum est duorum, semper oneratur petitor, et melior habetur possessoris causa. Where two parties are equally at fault, the claimant always is at the disadvantage, and the party in possession has the better cause.
  • Eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio quae nascitur ex contractu, vel quasi, quibus contrahitur. An obligation that arises from a contract or quasi contract is dissolved in the same ways in which it is contracted.
  • En eschange il covient que les estates soient egales. In an exchange it is desirable that the estates be equal.
  • Equitas sequitur legem. Equity follows the law.
  • Error placitandi aequitatem non tollit. An error in the plea does not take away equity.
  • Facinus quos inquinat aequat. Guilt makes equal those whom it stains.
  • Fraus aequitati praejudicat. Fraud is prejudicial to equity.
  • In aequali jure melior est conditio possidentis. When the parties have equal rights, the condition of the possessor is the better.
  • In fictione juris semper aequitas existit. In a fiction of law there is always equity. • A legal fiction is always consistent with equity.
  • In fictione juris semper subsistit aequitas. In a legal fiction equity always abides (or prevails).
  • In omnibus quidem, maxime tamen in jure, aequitas spectanda sit. In all affairs indeed, but especially in those that concern the administration of justice, equity should be regarded.
  • Ipsae leges cupiunt ut jure regantur. The laws themselves desire that they should be governed by right.
  • Iurisdictio inhaeret, cohaeret, adhaeret imperio; par in parem non habet iudicium. Legal authority clings to sovereignty, belongs to it, and remains inherent to it; no one may pass judgment on an equal.
  • Judex aequitatem semper spectare debet. A judge ought always to regard equity.
  • Judex ante oculos aequitatem semper habere debet. A judge ought always to have equity before his eyes.
  • Jus respicit aequitatem. Law regards equity.
  • Lex aequitate gaudet. Law delights in equity.
  • Lex aequitate gaudet; appetit perfectum; est norma recti. The law delights in equity: it covets perfection; it is a rule of right.
  • Lex aliquando sequitur aequitatem. The law sometimes follows equity.
  • Lex fingit ubi subsistit aequitas. Law creates a fiction where equity abides.
  • Lex respicit aequitatem. Law regards equity.
  • Lex succurrit ignoranti. The law assists the ignorant.
  • Nemo commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria. No one can derive benefit from his own wrong.
  • Nemo debet aliena jactura locupletari. No one ought to be enriched by another’s loss.
  • Nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto; quod Deus non agit bis in id ipsum. No one should be punished twice for one crime, as God does not act twice against that very thing. 4 Coke 118.
  • Nemo debet bis vexari pro eadem causa. No one should be twice troubled for the same cause.
  • Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa. No one ought to be twice troubled for one and the same cause.
  • Nemo debet bis vexari, si constet curiae quod sit pro una et eadem causa. No one ought to be twice troubled, if it appears to the court that it is for one and the same cause of action.
  • Nemo debet ex alieno damno lucrari. No one should be enriched out of the loss sustained by another.
  • Nemo debet locupletari aliena jactura. No one ought to be enriched at another’s expense.
  • Nemo debet locupletari ex alterius incommodo. No one ought to be enriched out of another’s disadvantage.
  • Nemo ex alterius detrimento fieri debet locupletior. No one ought to be made rich out of another person’s injury.
  • Nemo ex proprio dolo consequitur actionem. No one acquires a right of action from his own wrong (or deception).
  • Nemo ex suo delicto meliorem suam conditionem facere potest. No one can improve his condition by his own wrong.
  • Nemo habetur agere dolose qui jure se utitur. No one is held to act fraudulently who acts in exercise of his rights.
  • Nemo locupletari potest cum alterius iactura. Nobody can be made rich at the expense of another.
  • Nihil iniquius quam aequitatem nimis intendere. Nothing is more unjust than to extend equity too far.
  • Nihil tam conveniens est naturali aequitati quam unumquodque dissolvi eo ligamine quo ligatum est. Nothing is so consonant with natural equity as that each thing should be dissolved by the same means as it was bound.
  • Nihil tam conveniens est naturali aequitati quam voluntatem domini volentis rem suam in alium transferre ratam haberi. Nothing is more consistent with natural equity than to confirm the will of an owner who desires to transfer his property to another.
  • Nulli vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut differemus rectum vel justitiam. We shall sell to no one, deny to no one, or delay to no one, equity or justice. • This language appeared in Magna Carta.
  • Nullum medicamentum est idem omnibus. No medicine is the same (or equally effective) for all.
  • Nul ne doit s’enrichir aux depens des autres. No one ought to enrich himself at the expense of others.
  • Nul prendra advantage de son tort demesne. No one shall take advantage of his own wrong.
  • Omne verbum de ore fideli cadit in debitum. Every word sincerely spoken constitutes an obligation.
  • Par in parem imperium non habet. An equal has no power over an equal.
  • Par in parem non habet iurisdictionem. Equals have no jurisdiction over each other.
  • Parium eadem est ratio, idem jus. Of things equal, the reason and the law is the same.
  • Prima pars aequitatis aequalitas. The first part of equity is equality.
  • Qui bonis viris pauperibus dat legibus opitulatur; qui malis et inertibus segetem malorum fovet et legum opprobrium. One who assists good poor people assists the laws; one who assists the wicked and the lazy fosters a crop of evils and disrespect of the laws.
  • Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt. All men are equal as far as natural law is concerned.
  • Quod a quoque poenae nomine exactum est id eidem restituere nemo cogitur. What has been exacted from someone as a penalty no one is obliged to restore to him.
  • Quod conscientia vult, ubi lex deficit, aequitas cogit. When the law is lacking, equity compels what conscience wishes.
  • Quoties aequitatem desiderii naturalis ratio aut dubitatio juris moratur, justis decretis res temperanda est. Whenever natural reason or doubt about the law delays an equitable request, the matter must be resolved by just decrees. Dig.
  • Ratio in jure aequitas integra. Reason in law is perfect equity.
  • Si aliquid ex solemnibus deficiat, cum aequitas poscit subveniendum est. If anything is lacking from formal requirements, when equity requires, it will be supplied.
  • Ubi lex communis et aequitas in eadem re versantur, aequitas alia via agit sed non aliter sentit. Where common law and equity are involved in the same case, equity takes a different path but feels no differently (or has the same attitude).