Skip to content- Accusator post rationabile tempus non est audiendus, nisi se bene de omissione excusaverit. An accuser ought not to be heard after (the expiration of) a reasonable time, unless he can account satisfactorily for his delay.
- Acta in uno judicio non probant in alio nisi inter easdem personas. Things done in one action cannot be taken as evidence in another, unless it is between the same parties.
- Aestimatio praeteriti delicti ex postremo facto nunquam crescit. The assessment of a past offense never increases from a subsequent fact.
- A facto ad jus non datur consequentia. The inference from fact to law is not allowed. • That is, a fact does not necessarily constitute a right.
- Affectio tua nomen imponit operi tuo. Your motive gives a name to your act.
- Affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus. The intention is punished even if the object is not achieved.
- Ambiguitas verborum latens verificatione suppletur; nam quod ex facto oritur ambiguum verificatione facti tollitur. A latent ambiguity in wording is resolved by evidence; for whatever ambiguity arises from an extrinsic fact is resolved by extrinsic evidence.
- Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione excluditur. A patent ambiguity is not removed by extrinsic evidence (or is never helped by averment).
- Audi alteram partem. Hear the other side. • No one should be condemned unheard.
- Chirographum apud debitorem repertum praesumitur solutum. When the evidence (or voucher) is found in the debtor’s possession, the debt is presumed to be paid.
- Chirographum non extans praesumitur solutum. When the evidence of a debt is not in existence, it is presumed to have been discharged.
- Clam factum id videtur esse, quod quisque, quum controversiam haberet, habiturumve se putaret, fecit. That is considered done secretly which someone did when he had a legal dispute or thought he would have one.
- Conditionem testium tunc inspicere debemus cum signarent, non mortis tempore. We should consider the condition of witnesses when they sign, not at the time of death. Dig. 28.1.22.
- Confessio facta in judicio omni probatione major est. A confession made in court is of greater effect than any proof.
- Contra fictionem non admittitur probatio; quid enim efficeret probatio veritatis, ubi fictio adversus veritatem fingit? Nam fictio nihil aliud est, quam legis adversus vertitatem in re possibili ex justa causa dispositio. Proof is not admitted against fiction, for what could the evidence of truth effect, where fiction supposes falsehood? For fiction is no other than an arrangement of the law against truth, in a possible matter, arising from a just cause. 3 Bl. Com. 43.
- Habemus optimum testem, confitentem reum. We have the best witness, a confessing defendant.
- In judicio non creditur nisi juratis. In court no one is trusted except those sworn.
- In re lupanari testes lupanares admittentur. In a matter concerning a brothel, prostitutes will be admitted as witnesses.
- Instrumenta domestica seu adnotatio, si non aliis quoque adminiculis adjuventur, ad probationem sola non sufficiunt. Private family documents or a memorandum, if not supported by other evidence, are not of themselves sufficient proof.
- Judex non potest esse testis in propria causa. A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause.
- Jurare est Deum in testem vocare, et est actus divini cultus. To swear is to call God to witness, and is an act of religion.
- Lex non requirit verificari quod apparet curiae. The law does not require that to be proved which is apparent to the court.
- Lex nostra neminem absentem damnat. Our law condemns no one in his absence.
- Nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audiendus est. No one testifying to his own wrong is to be heard as a witness.
- Nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans. No one is heard when alleging his own wickedness; no one can be heard whose claim is based on his own disgraceful behavior.
- Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa. No one should be judge in his own cause.
- Nemo debet esse testis in sua propria causa. No one ought to be a witness in his own cause.
- Nemo in propria causa testis esse debet. No one can be a witness in his own cause.
- Nemo moriturus praesumitur mentiri. No one at the point of death is presumed to lie.
- Nemo potest contra recordum verificare per patriam. No one can verify by the country against a record. • Certain matters of record cannot be contested in court. 2 Co. Inst. 380.
- Non bene conducti vendunt perjuria testes. Witnesses who are engaged for no good reason put up their perjury for sale. Ovid, Amores 1.10.
- Nullus idoneus testis in re sua intelligitur. No one is understood to be a competent witness in his own cause.
- Optima evidentia rei praevalebit. The best evidence of the matter will prevail (or be more efficacious).
- Perjuri sunt qui servatis verbis juramenti decipiunt aures eorum qui accipiunt. Those who preserve the words of an oath but deceive the ears of those who accept it are perjurors. • Coke adds, “By ancient law of England, in all oathes equivocation is utterly condemned.” 3 Co. Inst. 166.
- Pondere, numero, et mensura. By weight, by number, and by measure. (A rule for the valuation of evidence).
- Posteri dies testes sunt sapientissimi. The days thereafter are the wisest witnesses. • That is, we judge the deeds best by their results.
- Quod constat curiae, opere testium non indiget. What appears true to the court needs not the help of witnesses.
- Responsio unius non omnino audiatur. The answer of one witness should not be heard at all.
- Super fidem chartarum, mortuis testibus, erit ad patriam de necessitate recurrendum. The truth of charters is necessarily to be referred to a jury when the witnesses are dead.
- Testes ponderantur, non numerantur. Witnesses are weighed, not numbered.
- Testes qui postulat debet dare eis sumptus competentes. Whoever demands witnesses ought to give them suitable expenses.
- Testibus deponentibus in pari numero, dignioribus est credendum. When the number of witnesses giving testimony is equal on both sides, the more trustworthy are to be believed.
- Testibus, non testimoniis, credendum est. The witnesses must be believed, not (simply) their testimony.
- Testimonia ponderanda sunt, non numeranda. Testimonies are to be weighed, not counted.
- Testis de visu praeponderat aliis. An eyewitness outweighs others.
- Testis dicere debet ab imo, “non sum doctus nec instructus, nec curo de victoria, modo ministretur Justitia.” A witness should be able to say from the heart, “I am not informed nor instructed, nor do I care which party be successful, provided Justice be served.” 4 Inst. 279.
- Testis lupanaris sufficit ad factum in lupanari. Someone from a brothel is a sufficient witness to a happening in a brothel.
- Testis nemo in sua causa esse potest. No one can be a witness in his own cause.
- Testis oculatus unus plus valet quam auriti decem. One eyewitness is worth more than ten earwitnesses.
- Testium numerus si non adjicitur, duo sufficiunt. If the number of witnesses is not prescribed, two are sufficient. 4 Inst. 279.
- Testmoignes ne poent testifier le negative, mes l’affirmative. Witnesses cannot testify to a negative; they must testify to an affirmative.
- Unius omnino testis responsio non audiatur. Let the evidence of one witness not be heard at all.
- Veritas nimium altercando amittitur. By too much quarreling the truth is lost.