Family law

  • Adfines inter se non sunt adfines. In-laws are not in-laws of each other.
  • Adfines sunt viri et uxoris cognati. In-laws are kin of the man and the wife. Cf. Dig. 38.10.3-5.
  • Adfinitas est civile vinculum ex nuptiis sponsalibusve descendens. Relationship by marriage is a civil bond descending from a marriage or a betrothal.
  • Adfinitas in coniuge superstite non deletur. Relationship by marriage is not wiped out for a widow or widower.
  • Adfinitatis iure nulla successio permittitur. Relationship by marriage conveys no right to succession. CJ 6.59.7.
  • Aequitas uxoribus, liberis, creditoribus maxime favet. Equity most favors wives, children, and creditors.
  • Affinis dicitur, cum duae cognationes, inter se divisae, per nuptias copulantur, et altera ad alterius fines accidit. Persons are said to be bound by affinity when two families, divided from one another, are united by marriage, and each approaches the borders of the other.
  • Affinis mei affinis non est mihi affinis. A person connected by marriage to someone connected by marriage to me is no connection of mine.
  • Bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui diversis temporibus et successive duas seu tres uxores habuit. A bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who has had two or more wives in succession, each at a different time. 3 Co. Inst. 88.
  • Cestuy que doit inheriter al pére doit inheriter al fils. The person who should have inherited from the father should also inherit from the son.
  • Consensus, non concubitus, facit matrimonium. Consent, not coition (or sharing a bed), constitutes marriage.
  • Consensus, non concubitus, facit nuptias vel matrimonium, et consentire non possunt ante annos nubiles. Consent, and not coition (or sharing a bed), constitutes nuptials or marriage, and persons cannot consent before marriageable years.
  • Consentire matrimonio non possunt infra (ante) annos nubiles. Persons cannot consent to marriage before marriageable years.
  • Crimen vel poena paterna nullam maculam filio infligere potest. The crime or punishment of a father inflicts no stain upon his son.
  • Cum legitimae nuptiae factae sunt, patrem liberi sequuntur. Children born under a legitimate marriage follow the condition of the father.
  • Custos corporis cujusque infantis haereditas nequeat pervenire. Let each child have a guardian to whom the inheritance cannot devolve.
  • Deficiente uno sanguine, non potest esse haeres. For lack of one blood, he cannot be heir. • Coke explains, “The blood of the father and of the mother are but one inheritable blood, and both are necessary to procreation of an heir.” 3 Coke 41.
  • Divortium dicitur a divertendo, quia vir divertitur ab uxore. Divorce is so called from divertendo, because a man is diverted from his wife.
  • Duas uxores eodem tempore habere non licet. It is not lawful to have two wives at one time.
  • Erubescit lex filios castigare parentes. The law blushes when children correct their parents.
  • Filiatio non potest probari. Filiation cannot be proved. • That is, the husband is presumed to be the father of a child born during coverture.
  • Filius in utero matris est pars viscerum matris. A son in the mother’s womb is part of the mother’s vitals.
  • Frater fratri uterino non succedit in haereditate paterna. A brother shall not succeed a uterine brother in the paternal inheritance.
  • Furor contrahi matrimonium non sinit, quia consensu opus est. Insanity prevents marriage from being contracted, because consent is needed.
  • Gradus adfinitatis nulli sunt. There are no degrees of relationship by marriage. Dig. — Sometimes written Gradus autem adfinitati nulli sunt.
  • Haederes successoresque sui cuique liberi, et nullum testamentum; si liberi non sunt, proximus gradus in possessione, fratres, patrii, avunculi. The children of every man are his heirs and successors, and there is no will; if there are no children, next in order of succession are brothers, paternal uncles, and maternal uncles. Tacitus, Germania 20
  • Haeres est alter ipse, et filius est pars patris. An heir is another self, and a son is a part of the father.
  • Incolas domicilium facit. Literally, the domicile makes the residents. • That is, the principal place of residence establishes legal residency. Often rendered conversely, Incola domicilium facit (residence creates domicile).
  • In potestate nostra sunt liberi nostri quos ex iustis nuptiis procreavimus. Our children whom we begat from lawful marriage are under our power. Dig. 1.6.3.
  • In sponsalibus consensus eorum exigendus est quorum in nuptiis desideratur. The consent is required in betrothal of those whose consent is also desired in marriage. Dig.
  • Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt. The rights of blood (or kinship) cannot be destroyed by any civil law.
  • Lex succurrit minoribus. The law assists minors.
  • Maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur ubi donator vult quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio. A marriage portion is either free or bound to service: it is called free (or frank marriage) when the giver wills that the land thus given be exempt from all secular service. Co. Litt. 21.
  • Mater semper certa, pater incertus. The mother is always certain, the father uncertain.
  • Matrimonia debent esse libera. Marriages ought to be free.
  • Matrimonium inter invitos non contrahitur. Matrimony is not contracted between unwilling people. Dig. 23.2.22.
  • Matrimonium subsequens legitimos facit quoad sacerdotium non quoad successionem propter consuetudinem regni quae se habet in contrarium. Subsequent marriage legitimates as regards priesthood but not as regards succession because of the custom of the kingdom, which is to the contrary.
  • Matrimonium subsequens tollit peccatum praecedens. A subsequent marriage removes preceding fault.
  • Nasciturus pro jam nato habetur quamdiu agitur de ejus commodo. One about to be born is held as already born as long as the issue is to his benefit; a child conceived is treated as born to the extent that it is to his or her benefit.
  • Non valebit felonis generatio nec ad haereditatem paternam vel maternam; si autem ante feloniam generationem fecerit, talis generatio succedit in haereditate patris vel matris a quo non fuerit felonia perpetrata. The offspring of a felon cannot succeed either to a maternal or paternal inheritance; but if the felon had offspring before the felony, the offspring may succeed to the inheritance of the father or mother by whom no felony was committed.
  • Parens est nomen generale ad omne genus cognationis. “Parent” is a general name for every kind of relationship.
  • Parentum est liberos alere etiam nothos. It is the role of parents to support their children even when illegitimate.
  • Partus ex legitimo thoro non certius noscit matrem quam genitorem suum. The offspring of a legitimate bed does not know his mother more certainly than his father.
  • Partus sequitur ventrem. The offspring follows the condition of the mother (literally, the womb).
  • Pater est quem nuptiae demonstrant. The father is the man whom the marriage indicates. • This expresses the idea that a child born to a married woman is presumed begotten by her husband.
  • Pater et mater et puer sunt una caro. The father, mother, and son are one flesh.
  • Pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant. The father is he whom the marriage indicates.
  • Patria potestas in pietate debet, non in atrocitate consistere. Parental authority should consist in devotion, not dread.
  • Post decem menses mortis natus non admittetur ad legitimam hereditatem. A child born ten months after (the father’s) death will not be admitted to the inheritance (even in case of intestacy). Dig.
  • Posthumus pro nato habetur. A posthumous child is considered as though born (before the father’s death).
  • Prima societas in ipso coniugio est. The first bond of society is in marriage itself. Cicero, De Off. 1.17.54.
  • Prolem ante matrimonium natam, ita ut post legitimam, lex civilis succedere facit in haereditate parentum; sed prolem, quam matrimonium non parit, succedere non sinit lex Anglorum. The civil law permits the offspring born before marriage, like offspring legitimate upon marriage, to be heirs of their parents; but the law of the English does not suffer offspring not produced by marriage to succeed. Fortescue, De Laudibus Legum Angliae, ch. 39.
  • Pueri sunt de sanguine parentum, sed pater et mater non sunt de sanguine puerorum. Children are of the blood of their parents, but the father and mother are not of the blood of their children.
  • Qui doit inheriter al pére, doit inheriter al fitz. One who ought to inherit from the father ought to inherit from the son.
  • Qui in utero est, pro jam nato habetur quoties de ejus commodo quaeritur. A child in the womb is considered as born, whenever there is a question of benefit to the child.
  • Qui nascitur sine legitimo matrimonio, matrem sequitur. A child who is born out of lawful matrimony follows the condition of the mother.
  • Sanguinis conjunctio benevolentia devincit homines et caritate. A tie of blood overcomes human beings through benevolence and family affection.
  • Semper praesumitur pro legitimatione puerorum, et filiatio non potest probari. The presumption always is in favor of the legitimacy of children, and filiation cannot be proved.
  • Simulatae nuptiae nullius momenti sunt. A feigned marriage is of no validity. Dig. 23.2.30.
  • Si quis praegnantem uxorem reliquit, non videtur sine liberis decessisse. If anyone dies leaving his wife pregnant, he is not considered as having died childless.
  • Sponsalia dicuntur futurarum nuptiarum conventio et repromissio. A betrothal is the agreement and promise of a future marriage.
  • Sponsalia inter minores contracta ante septem annos nulla sunt. Betrothals contracted between parties under seven years of age are void.
  • Sponsalia sunt mentio et repromissio nuptiarum futurarum. Betrothal is the announcement and mutual promise of future marriage. Dig. 23.1.1.
  • Sufficit nudus consensus ad constituenda sponsalia. Bare consent suffices to effect a betrothal. Dig.