
  • Ad quaestiones facti non respondent judices; ad quaestiones legis non respondent juratores. Judges do not answer questions of fact; jurors do not answer questions of law.
  • Ad quaestiones legis judices, et non juratores, respondent. Judges, and not jurors, answer questions of law.
  • Chartarum super fidem, mortuis testibus, ad patriam de necessitudine recurrendum est. (A dispute) regarding the veracity of deeds, with the witnesses dead, must necessarily be referred to the country (or jury).
  • De jure judices, de facto juratores, respondent. The judges answer regarding the law, the jury on the facts.
  • Et sicut ad quaestionem juris non respondent juratores, sed judices; sic ad quaestionem facti non respondent judices, sed juratores. Just as a question of law is not answered by the jurors but the judges, so too a question of fact is not answered by judges but jurors.
  • Ibi semper debet fieri triatio ubi juratores meliorem possunt habere notitiam. A trial should always be held where the jurors can have the best information.
  • Juratores debent esse vicini, sufficientes et minus suspecti. Jurors ought to be neighbors, of sufficient means and free from suspicion (literally, less suspected).
  • Juratores sunt judices facti. The jurors are the judges of fact.
  • Matter en ley ne serra mise en bouche del jurors. Matter of law shall not be put into the mouths of jurors.
  • Misericordia domini regis est qua quis per juramentum legalium hominum de vicineto eatenus amerciandus est, ne aliquid de suo honorabili contenemento amittat. The mercy of our lord the king is such that anyone may be amerced by a jury of good men from his vicinage (or neighborhood) to this extent (only), that he not lose any part of his honorable tenement. Glanvil, De Legibus Angliae IX. 11.
  • Omnis conclusio boni et veri judicii sequitur ex bonis et veris praemissis et dictis juratorum. Every conclusion of a good and true judgment follows from good and true premises and the verdicts of jurors.
  • Paribus sententiis reus absolvitur. When opinions are evenly divided, the defendant is acquitted. 4 Co. Inst. 64.
  • Patria laboribus et expensis non debet fatigari. A jury ought not to be wearied with labors and expenses.
  • Quemadmodum ad quaestionem facti non respondent judices, ita ad quaestionem juris non respondent juratores. In the same manner that judges do not answer questions of fact, so jurors do not answer questions of law.
  • Sicut ad quaestionem facti, non respondent judices, ita ad quastionem juris, non respondent juratores. Inasmuch as the judges do not decide on questions of fact, so the jury do not decide on questions of law.
  • Super fidem chartarum, mortuis testibus, erit ad patriam de necessitate recurrendum. The truth of charters is necessarily to be referred to a jury when the witnesses are dead.
  • Triatio ibi semper debet fieri ubi juratores meliorem possunt habere notitiam. Trial ought always to be held where the jurors can have the better information.
  • Veritas habenda est in juratore; justitia et judicium in judice. Truth is the desideratum in a juror; justice and judgment in a judge.