Skip to content- Admiralitas jurisdictionem non habet super iis quae communi lege dirimuntur. A court of admiralty has no jurisdiction over those things that are determined by common law.
- A piratis aut latronibus capti liberi permanent. Those captured by pirates or robbers remain free.
- A piratis et latronibus capta dominium non mutant. Things captured by pirates or robbers do not change their ownership.
- Excusatur quis quod clameum non apposuerit, ut si toto tempore litigii fuit ultra mare quacunque occasione. One who has not brought his claim is excused if, during the whole period in which it ought to have been brought, he was beyond the sea for any reason.
- Independenter se habet assecuratio a viaggio navis. The route insured is distinct from the voyage of the ship.
- In suo hactenus facere licet quatenus nihil in alienum immittit. One may do what he likes on his own property, so long as he does not invade (or send anything into) another’s property.
- Litus est quousque maximus fluctus a mari pervenit. The shore is where the highest wave from the sea has reached.
- Litus publicum est eatenus qua maxime fluctus exaestuat. The shore is public as far as the waves reach at the highest point. Dig. 50.16.112 (continuing with “the same right applies to a lake, unless the whole is private”).
- Naturali iure omnium communia sunt illa: äer, aqua profluens, et mare, et, per hoc, litora maris. By natural law, the following things belong to all: the air, the flowing water, and the sea, and, by extension, the shores of the sea. Just. Inst. 2.1.
- Nemo ad litus maris accedere prohibetur. No one is prohibited from approaching the seashore. Justinian Inst. 2.1.1.
- Pirata non mutat dominium. A pirate (i.e., piracy) does not change ownership.
- Proprietas totius navis carinae causam sequitur. The property of the whole ship follows the condition of the keel.
- Quod ex naufragio expulsum est usucapi non potest, quoniam non est in derelicto sed in deperdito. The debris from a shipwreck cannot be acquired by usucaption because it is a matter of loss, not abandonment. Dig.
- Sauve qui peut. Save (yourself) who can. (Or every man for himself, in escaping shipwreck.)