Statutory interpretation

  • Ab assuetis non fit injuria. No injury is done by things long acquiesced in.
  • Accessio cedit principali. An addition to the principal thing becomes part of it.
  • Actus repugnans non potest in esse produci. A repugnant act cannot be brought into being (that is, cannot be made effectual).
  • A digniori fieri debet denominatio et resolutio. The denomination and explanation ought to be derived from the more worthy.
  • Ad proximum antecedens fiat relatio, nisi impediatur sententia. A relative is to be referred to the nearest antecedent, unless prevented by the sense.
  • Affirmativum negativum implicat. An affirmative implies a negative.
  • Ambiguis casibus semper praesumitur pro rege. In doubtful cases the presumption is always in favor of the king.
  • Ambiguum placitum interpretari debet contra proferentem. An ambiguous plea ought to be interpreted against the party pleading it.
  • Applicatio est vita regulae. The application is the life of a rule.
  • A verbis legis non est recedendum. From the words of the law there is to be no departure.
  • Benigne faciendae sunt interpretationes propter simplicitatem laicorum, ut res magis valeat quam pereat; et verba intentioni, non e contra, debent inservire. Constructions (of written instruments) are to be made liberally, for the simplicity of laymen, in order that the matter may have effect rather than fail (or become void); and words must be subject to the intention, not the intention to the words.
  • Benignior sententia in verbis generalibus seu dubiis est preferenda. The more favorable construction is to be preferred in general or doubtful expressions.
  • Benignius leges interpretandae sunt quo voluntas earum conservetur. Laws are to be more liberally interpreted so that their intent may be preserved.
  • Casus omissus et oblivioni datus dispositioni communis juris relinquitur. A case omitted and forgotten (not provided for in statute) is left to the disposal of the common law.
  • Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est. A case omitted is to be held as (intentionally) omitted.
  • Certum est quod certum reddi potest. That is certain which can be rendered certain.
  • Clausulae inconsuetae semper inducunt suspicionem. Unusual clauses always arouse suspicion.
  • Clausula generalis de residuo non ea complectitur quae non ejusdem sint generis cum iis quae specialim dicta fuerant. A general clause of remainder does not embrace those things that are not of the same kind as those that had been specially mentioned.
  • Clausula generalis non refertur ad expressa. A general clause does not refer to things expressly mentioned.
  • Clausula quae abrogationem excludit ab initio non valet. A clause that precludes abrogation is invalid from the beginning.
  • Clausula vel dispositio inutilis per praesumptionem remotam vel causam ex post facto non fulcitur. A useless clause or disposition is not supported by a remote presumption or by a cause arising afterward. • A useless clause or disposition is one that expresses no more than the law by intendment would have supplied; it is not supported by a remote presumption or foreign intendment of some purpose in regard to which it might be material, or by a cause arising afterward that may induce an operation of those idle words.
  • Commodissimum est in ambiguis id accipi quo res de qua agitur magis valeat quam pereat (vel in tuto sit). In ambiguous cases it is most fitting to accept what strengthens the asset at issue (or preserves it) rather than ruins it. Cf. Dig. 34.5.12 and 45.1.80.
  • Conditio beneficialis, quae statum construit, benigne secundum verborum intentionem est interpretanda; odiosa autem quae statum destruit stricte, secundum verborum proprietatem, accipienda. A beneficial condition that creates an estate ought to be construed favorably, according to the intention of the words; but a condition that destroys an estate is odious and ought to be construed according to the strict sense of the words.
  • Cum in testamento ambigue aut etiam perperam scriptum, est benigne interpretari, et secundum id quod credible est cogitatum credendum est. When an ambiguous or even an erroneous expression occurs in a will, it should be construed liberally, and in accordance with the testator’s probable meaning.
  • Cum in verbis nulla ambiguitas est, non debet admitti voluntatis quaestio. When there is no ambiguity in the words, it should not be permitted to dispute the intentions. Dig. 32.25.1.
  • Curiosa et captiosa interpretatio in lege reprobatur. An overnice and captious interpretation in the law is rejected.
  • Eadem mens praesumitur regis quae est juris et quae esse debet, praesertim in dubiis. The mind of the sovereign is presumed to be the same as that of the law, and the same as what it ought to be, especially in ambiguous matters.
  • Est ipsorum legislatorum tanquam viva vox. The voice of the legislators themselves is like a living voice. • That is, the provisions of a statute are to be understood and interpreted as practical rules for real circumstances. Coke adds, Rebus et non verbis legem imponimus. 10 Coke 101.
  • In ambigua voce legis ea potius accipienda est significatio quae vitio caret; praesertim cum etiam voluntas legis ex hoc colligi possit. In an ambiguous expression of the law, the meaning will be preferred that is free of defect, especially when the intent of the law can be gathered from it.
  • In ambiguis casibus semper praesumitur pro rege. In doubtful cases the presumption is always in favor of the king.
  • In ambiguis orationibus maxime sententia spectanda est ejus qui eas protulisset. In ambiguous expressions, the opinion (or meaning) of the person who made them is chiefly to be regarded.
  • In ambiguo sermone non utrumque dicimus sed id duntaxat quod volumus. When the language we use is ambiguous, we do not use it in a double sense, but merely in the sense that we intend.
  • In claris non fit interpretatio. When a rule is clearly intelligible, there is no need of interpretation.
  • In his enim quae sunt favorabilia animae, quamvis sunt damnosa rebus, fiat aliquando extentio statuti. In things that are favorable to the spirit, though injurious to property, an extension of the statute should sometimes be made.
  • In restitutionibus benignissima interpretatio facienda est. The most favorable construction is to be made in restitutions.
  • Interpretatio est contra eum facienda qui clarius loqui debuisset. Interpretation should work against the person who ought to have spoken more clearly. Cf. Dig. 34.5.24 and 35.4.26.
  • Interpretatio fienda est ut res magis valeat quam pereat. Such a construction should be made that the measure may take effect rather than fail.
  • Interpretatio talis in ambiguis semper fienda est ut evitetur inconveniens et absurdum. In ambiguities, a construction should always be found such that what is unsuitable and absurd may be avoided.
  • In toto et pars continetur. In the whole the part also is included.
  • In traditionibus scriptorum (chartarum) non quod dictum est, sed quod gestum (factum) est, inspicitur. In the delivery of writings (deeds), not what is said but what is done is to be considered.
  • In verbis non verba sed res et ratio quaerenda est. In wording, it is not the words but the substance and the meaning that is to be sought.
  • Legis constructio non facit injuriam. The construction of law does not do wrong.
  • Legislatorum est viva vox, rebus et non verbis legem imponere. The voice of legislators is a living voice, to impose laws on (actual) affairs and not on (mere) words.
  • Lex posterior derogat priori. A later statute repeals an earlier one.
  • Lex posterior generalis non derogat priori speciali. A later, general law does not repeal an earlier specialized law.
  • Lex prospicit, non respicit. The law looks forward, not backward.
  • Lex pure poenalis obligat tantum ad poenam, non item ad culpam; lex poenalis mixta, et ad culpam obligat, et ad poenam. The law that is strictly penal is binding only as to penalty, not as to fault; the mixed penal law is binding as to both fault and penalty.
  • Lex rejicit superflua, pugnantia, incongrua. The law rejects superfluous, contradictory, and incongruous things.
  • Lex specialis derogat legi generali. A special law detracts from the general law.
  • Lex spectat ad proximam non ad remotam causam. The law looks to the proximate not to the remote cause.
  • Magis de bono quam de malo lex intendit. The law favors a good rather than a bad construction. • When an agreement’s words are susceptible of both a favorable and unfavorable meaning, the former is adopted. Thus, a bond conditioned to assign all offices will be construed to apply to assignable offices.
  • Novissima voluntas servatur. The latest intention is upheld. Dig.
  • Paria copulantur paribus. Similar things unite with similar.
  • Posteriores leges ad priores pertinent, nisi contrariae sint. Later laws pertain to earlier, if they are not in conflict.
  • Propositio indefinita aequipollet universali. An indefinite proposition is equal to a general one.
  • Quoties in stipulationibus ambigua oratio est, commodissimum est id accipi quo res de quo agitur in tuto sit. Whenever in stipulations the expression is ambiguous, it is most proper to give it that interpretation by which the subject matter may be in safety.
  • Quoties in verbis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla expositio contra verba expressa fienda est. Whenever there is no ambiguity in the words, then no exposition contrary to the words is to be made.
  • Ratihabitio mandato aequiparatur. Ratification is equal to a command. • This maxim is sometimes written Ratihabitio mandato comparatur (meaning “ratification is equivalent to a command”).
  • Ratihabitio retrotrahitur et mandato aequiparatur. Ratification relates back and is equal to a command. Co. Litt. 180b.
  • Statuta ita interpretanda ut innoxiis ne obsint. Statutes are to be so interpreted that they do not hurt the innocent.
  • Statuta pro publico commodo late interpretantur. Statutes made for the public advantage ought to be broadly construed.
  • Statuta suo clauduntur territorio, nec ultra territorium disponunt. Statutes are confined to their own territory and have no extraterritorial effect.
  • Statutum affirmativum non derogat communi legi. An affirmative statute does not take away from the common law.
  • Statutum ex gratia regis dicitur quando rex dignatur cedere de jure suo regio pro commodo et quiete populi sui. A statute is said to be by the grace of the king when the king deigns to yield some portion of his royal rights for the good and quiet of his people. 2 Inst. 378.
  • Statutum generaliter est intelligendum quando verba statuti sunt specialia, ratio autem generalis. A statute is to be understood generally when the words of the statute are special but its reason is general.
  • Statutum speciale statuto speciali non derogat. One special statute does not take away from another special statute.
  • Verbis standum ubi nulla ambiguitas. One must abide by the words where there is no ambiguity.
  • Vocabula artium explicanda sunt secundum definitiones prudentium. Terms of art are to be explained according to the definitions of those who are experienced in that art.