1. Ab assuetis non fit injuria. No injury is done by things long acquiesced in.
  2. Annus est mora motus quo suum planeta pervolvat circulum. A year is the duration of the motion by which a planet revolves through its orbit.
  3. Annus inceptus pro completo habetur. A year begun is held as completed. • Said to be of very limited application.
  4. A non posse ad non esse sequitur argumentum necessarie negative, licet non affirmative. From impossibility to nonexistence the inference follows necessarily in the negative, though not in the affirmative.
  5. Compendia sunt dispendia. Abridgments are hindrances. Shortcuts or time-saving measures are often a loss. • Coke continues, Melius est petere fontes. Co. Litt. 305b.
  6. Cum solvendi tempus obligationi additur, nisi eo praeterito, peti non potest. When a time for payment is added to an obligation, it (the payment) cannot be claimed unless that time has passed. Dig. 50.17.186. • See sine die in the main dictionary.
  7. Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores. Time runs against the indolent and those who are not mindful of their rights.
  8. Distinguenda sunt tempora; aliud est facere, aliud perficere. Times must be distinguished; it is one thing to do a thing, another to complete it.
  9. Distinguenda sunt tempora; distingue tempora, et concordabis leges. Times are to be distinguished; distinguish times, and you will harmonize laws.
  10. Domicilium est ubi quis degit rerumque suarum summam constituit eo consilio ut ibi maneat. A domicile is where one spends time and where one places the greater part of his personal effects with the aim of staying there.
  11. Dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriuntur. Laws sometimes sleep but never die.
  12. Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia praesumuntur solenniter esse acta. From length of time, all things are presumed to have been done in due form.
  13. Extortio est crimen quando quis colore officii extorquet quod non est debitum, vel supra debitum, vel ante tempus quod est debitum. Extortion is a crime when, by color of office, any person extorts what is not due, or more than due, or before the time when it is due.
  14. Homo potest esse habilis et inhabilis diversis temporibus. A man may be capable and incapable at different times.
  15. In consuetudinibus non diuturnitas temporis sed soliditas rationis est consideranda. In customs, not length of time but the soundness of the reason should be considered.
  16. Longa patientia trahitur ad consensum. Long sufferance is construed as consent.
  17. Longi temporis consuetudo vicem servitutis obtinet. A custom lasting for a long time takes on the status of a servitude. CJ 3.34.1.
  18. Nisi novissimus totus dies compleatur, non finit obligatio. Unless the whole of the last day is completed, the obligation does not end. Dig. 44.7.6.
  19. Praescriptio temporis iuri publico non debet obsistere. The prescribed time (for usucaption) should not obstruct a public right. CJ 8.11.6.
  20. Quod sine die debetur statim debetur. What is owed sine die is owed immediately.
  21. Tenor investiturae est inspiciendus. The tenor of an investiture is to be scrutinized.
  22. Terminus annorum certus debet esse et determinatus. A term of years ought to be certain and definite (with a fixed end).
  23. Terminus et (ac) feodum non possunt constare simul in una eademque persona. Term and fee cannot both be vested in one and the same person at the same time.