- Damnum absque injuria esse potest. There can be such a thing as damage without injury.
- Damnum infectum est damnum nondum factum quod futurum veremur. An anticipated injury is one that is not yet done but one we fear will come. Dig. 39.2.2.
- Damnum pati videtur qui commodum amittit quod consequi poterat. He is considered to suffer damage who has lost any benefit that he might derive. Dig. (regarding loss of access to public resources).
- Damnum sentit dominus. The damage falls on the owner.
- Damnum sine injuria esse potest. There can be damage without any act of injustice.
- Injuria non excusat injuriam. A wrong does not excuse a wrong.
- Injuria non praesumitur. A wrong is not presumed.
- Injuria propria non cadet beneficium facientis. No benefit shall accrue to a person from his own wrongdoing.
- Injuria servi dominum pertingit. The servant’s wrongdoing reaches the master. • The master is liable for injury done by his servant.
- Jus ex injuria non oritur. A right does not arise from a wrong.