Article VII Election Of Church Officers, Board of Directors
- Church Officers consist of Elders, Deacons, and/or Bishops.
- Elders may seek suggestions for nominees from Members if they are eligible to vote. The Governing Board shall determine if nominees meet the stated qualifications for the office. Qualified nominees are nominated by the Governing Board at its discretion.
- The election of Church Officers shall take place at a congregational meeting.
- Election of Church Officers shall be by a two-thirds majority of the eligible voting members present.
- Members that are eligible to vote have discretionary authority to establish the number of active Elders. If there are more qualified elders than are needed to serve at a particular time, the number of active elders shall be determined by a vote at a Congregational meeting upon recommendation of the Board of Elders.
- The Delegates for Basilikos Nomos Institute shall be Elders of the Church. They shall be nominated by the Governing Board and elected in accord with the rules of the Church’s Policy Manual. One of the Delegates shall be designated as our Primary Delegate. They shall serve for a term of one year.
- The officers of the Church shall consist of a Pastor, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. All three officers shall be Elders. The Primary Delegate shall serve as Pastor of the Church. The Secretary and Treasurer are nominated and elected by the Voting Members. Church officers serve for a term of one year with a maximum of 4 consecutive years, excluding the Pastor. The Pastor can and may serve for life.
- The officers of the Church shall have the authority and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties specified by the Pastor, the Governing Board, or these bylaws, except that in any event each officer shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be required by the laws of the Creator first and the Laws of the State of North Carolina second and those laws that are not in Conflict with the Creators laws.
Article II Name of Association
Article III Unincorporated Association
Article VI Office and Agent; Other Offices
Article VII Election Of Church Officers, Board of Directors
Article VIII Board of Elders and Deacons
Article XIII Amendments to these By-Laws
Article XIV Arbitration of Disputed Matters: The Parties agree as follows