1. The Membership of the Church is composed of those whose lives give evidence of regeneration, who express faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who give testimony of the assurance of the forgiveness of sin, who have been baptized by immersion, and who commit themselves to the discipline and fellowship of the Church.
  2. Only members of Basilikos Nomos Institute qualified to become members with voting rights. Members with Voting rights shall be eligible for election to the Offices/Officers. Each Member shall be at the time of his or her election and during his or her entire term of office a member of the congregation of the Church of Basilikos Nomos Institute in good standing and shall be a Citizen of The Kingdom of Heaven dwelling in one of the States of the Union. The moment any one of the above qualifications shall cease to exist concerning being a member.
  3. The standards and responsibilities for Church Membership are those outlined in the “The Statement of Doctrines and Beliefs for Living”, and “Principles of Order” Members also commit themselves to the “Expectations and Blessings of Membership” outlined in the Church’s Policy Manual.
  4. Member candidates are interviewed and approved by the Governing Body in accord with the Church’s Policy Manual. Ordained Pastors on the Pastoral staff are considered Members from their date of hire. Being a member does not automatically give Voting rights. Voting rights will be given to members that have been members for a minimum of two years and have shown evidence of living in accord with the tenants and teachings of the King James Bible in accord with the laws of the Creator unless the Pastor sees the need based on evidence to appoint voting rights before the two your mark. 
  5. A person may be removed from membership at any time per the Membership Violations of Ethics stated in the Church’s Principles of Order if the behavior is not corrected following the process as prescribed by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17
  6. Withdrawal from membership may be made by written request to the secretary or The governing board shall take cognizance of any charges that may be made to them in writing and duly signed, against any member for unbecoming conduct, and shall, in their official capacity investigate the charges, and if in their judgment the same be proven shall admonish the member, and in their discretion after such admonition, drop his or her name from membership in the Church and due notice of such action shall be mailed to such person.