1. The Governing Board may select one or more elder(s)-emeritus with the right to attend all regular and special meetings thereof, but with no power to make motions or to vote and who shall not be counted in determining a quorum.
  2. The Church believes that Holy Matrimony is the joining together of one man and one woman in a covenant union instituted and ordained by The Creator. Furthermore, The Creator’s Word declares that the expression of sexual relations is authorized only in the union of male and female within the bond of Holy Matrimony. Scripture teaches that homosexual lust and practice are sinful in The Creator’s sight. Finally, The Creator, in His wisdom, has created each person with a unique design as He wills. We believe that the gender of a person is determined by The Creator and should not be changed or modified after birth.
  3. Based on these statements, the following will apply to all Unions of Holy Matrimony being performed by Pastors/officiants at the Church and to the use of its facilities:
    1. Pastors/officiants will only perform a Contract of Holy Matrimony at the Church between a man and woman as described above who believe and follow the Scriptures found in the Holy Bible and at least one of them is a Member of the Church or he/she is the child of a Member of the Church and he/she agrees with the Holy Scriptures.
    2. The Church’s facilities will only be allowed to be used by the couple being joined in Holy Matrimony if at least one of them is a Member of the Church or one of them is the child of a member of the Church and the Pastor/officiant performing the ceremony is a believer and agrees with the BFC Faith & Order and the Holy Scriptures. All final decisions about the use of the Church facilities are the responsibility of the Elders.
    3. The Man and Wife agree to go through a time of Education and Counseling before the Joining under the Holy Matrimony ceremony will be officiated, not to be confused with marriage which is a state action.